Policy measures (showing 5/8)
- Introduced $30 billion incentive package for high-tech and green investment - 26/07/2024
- Turkey introduces new investment incentive scheme - 07/08/2019
- Introduced a new citizenship rule to encourage foreign investment - 12/01/2017
- Turkey introduced a new R&D support package - 01/03/2016
- Enacts new Electricity Market Law - 14/03/2013
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Investment laws
- Foreign Direct Investment Law - 2003
International investment agreements
Bilateral investment treaties (BITs) (showing 5/140)
- Congo - Türkiye BIT (2024) - Date of signature: 13/11/2024
- Tajikistan - Türkiye BIT (2024) - Date of signature: 28/05/2024
- Iraq - Türkiye BIT (2024) - Date of signature: 22/04/2024
- Cuba - Türkiye BIT (2024) - Date of signature: 13/03/2024
- Hong Kong, China SAR - Türkiye BIT (2023) - Date of signature: 31/10/2023 Full text: zh | en
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Treaties with investment provisions (TIPs) (showing 5/26)
- Türkiye - United Arab Emirates CEPA (2023) - Date of signature: 03/03/2023 Full text: en
- Ukraine - Türkiye FTA (2022) - Date of signature: 03/02/2022
- Turkey - United Kingdom FTA (2020) - Date of signature: 29/12/2020 Full text: en
- EFTA - Türkiye FTA (2018) - Date of signature: 25/06/2018 Full text: en
Singapore - Turkey FTA (2015) -
Date of signature: 14/11/2015
Investment ch.: en - Show more