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Find details on all publicly known treaty-based investor-State dispute settlement cases.
IPM 30 on political risk insurance
Conducted at the request of the Government of Tunisia, the Investment Policy Review of the country analyzes
With the expansion of global trade, investment and technology over the last decades, international investment
Investment Dispute Settlement Navigator: full ISDS data release as of 31/12/2023 (in excel format)
Facts and Figures on Investor–State Dispute Settlement Cases
International investment agreements trends: the increasing dichotomy between new and old treaties
UNCTAD Report Mapping Sustainable Development and Investment Facilitation Provisions in G20 IIAs, with Inputs from OECD
Compensation and Damages in Investor-State Dispute Settlement Proceedings
The Global Minimum Tax and Investment Treaties: Exploring Policy Options
Investment Facilitation in International Investment Agreements: Trends and Policy Options
Trends in the Investment Treaty Regime and a Reform Toolbox for the Energy Transition
Review of 2021 Investor–State Arbitration Decisions: Insights for IIA Reform
Investment Dispute Settlement Navigator: full ISDS data release as of 31/07/2022 (in excel format)
The International Investment Treaty Regime and Climate Action
Treaty-based Investor–State Dispute Settlement Cases and Climate Action
Review of 2020 Investor–State Arbitration Decisions: IIA Reform Issues at a Glance
Facts on investor–State arbitrations in 2021: With a special focus on tax-related ISDS cases
Policy Brief on International Investment Agreements and Climate Action
Investor–State Dispute Settlement Cases: Facts and Figures 2020
Recent Developments in the IIA Regime: Accelerating IIA Reform
International Investment Policies and Public Health
International Investment Agreements and Their Implications for Tax Measures
Investment Dispute Settlement Navigator: full ISDS data release as of 31/07/2020 (in excel format)
Review of ISDS Decisions in 2019: Selected IIA Reform Issues
Supplementary Material to Review of ISDS Decisions in 2019: Selected IIA Reform Issues
International Investment Agreements Reform Accelerator
Investor–State Dispute Settlement Cases Pass the 1,000 Mark: Cases and Outcomes in 2019
The Changing IIA Landscape: New Treaties and Recent Policy Developments
Investment Dispute Settlement Navigator: full ISDS data release as of 31/07/2019 (in excel format)
Recent developments in the international investment regime: Taking stock of phase 2 reform actions
Review of ISDS Decisions in 2018: Selected IIA Reform Issues
Supplementary Material to Review of ISDS Decisions in 2018: Selected IIA Reform Issues
Taking Stock of IIA Reform: Recent Developments
Fact Sheet on Investor–State Dispute Settlement Cases in 2018
Reforming Investment Dispute Settlement: A Stocktaking
Fact Sheet on Intra-European Union Investor-State Arbitration Cases
Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Review of Developments in 2017
IIA Issues Note: Recent Developments in the International Investment Regime
IIA Issues Note: Improving Investment Dispute Settlement: UNCTAD's Policy Tools
Special Update on Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Facts and Figures
IIA Issues Note: Phase 2 of IIA Reform
Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Review of Developments in 2016
Investor-State Dispute Settlement: Review of Developments in 2015
IIA Issues Note: Taking Stock of IIA Reform
Treaty-based ISDS Cases Brought Under Dutch IIAs: an Overview
Policy Options for IIA Reform: Treaty Examples and Data
Latest Developments in Investor-State Dispute Settlement
IIA Issues Note - Recent Trends in IIAs and ISDS
Pink Series Sequel: Investor-State Dispute Settlement
IIA Issues Note - Reform of the IIA Regime: Four Paths of Action and a Way Forward
IIA Issues Note - Investor-State Dispute Settlement: an Information Note on the United States and the European Union
IIA Issues Note: Recent Developments in Investor-State Dispute Settlement
IIA Issues Note: Towards a New Generation of International Investment Policies
IIA Issues Note: International Investment Policymaking in Transition
IIA Issues Note: The Rise of Regionalism in International Investment Policymaking
IIA Issues Note: Reform of Investor-State Dispute Settlement: in Search of a Roadmap
Pink Series Sequel: Transparency
International Investment Agreements Negotiators Handbook: APEC/UNCTAD MODULES
IIA Issues Note: Latest Developments in Investor-State Dispute Settlement
IIA Issues Note: Interpretation of IIAs
Pink Series Sequel: Expropriation
Yellow Series: ISDS - Prevention and Alternatives to Arbitration, Proceedings of Symposium held on 29 March 2010
IIA Issues Note: Sovereign Debt Restructuring and International Investment Agreements
Pink Series Sequel: Scope and Definition
Pink Series Sequel: Most-favoured Nation Treatment
Pink Series Sequel: Fair and Equitable Treatment
IIA Issues Note: Denunciation of the ICSID convention and BITS
Yellow Series: Investor–State Disputes: Prevention and Alternatives to Arbitration
Yellow Series: The Protection of National Security in IIAs
Yellow Series: International Investment Rule-making: Stocktaking, Challenges and the Way Forward
Yellow Series: The Role of IIAs in Attracting FDI to Developing Countries