Investment Policy Measures

3 results


24 Mar 2022

Bans new investments in Russian energy sector and introduces various trade restrictions

On 24 March 2022, Norway adopted a new package of sanctions, encompassing the restrictive measures adopted by the EU on 15 March 2022. Among others, the sanctions impose a ban on new investments in Russian energy sector, as well as [...]



18 Mar 2022

Imposes restrictive measures on Russian financial, energy, transport, technology and defence sectors

On 18 March 2022, the first package of sanctions was formally adopted by Royal Decree and by the Ministry. The sanctions correspond to the restrictive measures imposed by the European Union up to and including 9 March 2022. They target [...]



01 Jun 2018

New National Security Law introduces the control of acquisitions on the basis of national security considerations

The new National Security Law adopted in June 2018 introduces the control of acquisitions of businesses that process classified information or perform activities crucial to basic national functions or possess or manage information, [...]

Number of policy measures per economy (since 01 Jan 2010) 1 95