Investment Policy Measures

4 results


01 Mar 2023

Approves Investors and Investments Protection Law

On 1 March 2023, the Parliament of Somalia approved the Investors and Investments Protection Law, which aims to protect both foreign and domestic investments within the country. The law facilitates the establishment of investments [...]



03 Jul 2022

Licencing of first two foreign banks since 1970

On 3 July 2022, the Central Bank of Somalia (CBS) has licensed the first two foreign lenders since 1970. The CBS governor said that Banque Misr (Egypt) and Ziraat Katilim (Turkey) can now operate in the country after the board endorsed [...]



24 Sep 2020

Published a National Investment Promotion Strategy

On 24 September 2020, the Government of the Federal Republic of Somalia published the National Investment Promotion Strategy (NIPS 2020) to boost domestic and foreign direct investment (FDI). The strategy leverages Somalia’s strategic [...]



23 Nov 2015

Adopted Foreign Investment Law 2015

On 23 November 2015, Somalia passed a Foreign Investment Law to promote and protect foreign investments. The key changes introduced by the 2015 law include: • Establishment of the Foreign Investment Board: The supreme authority [...]

Number of policy measures per economy (since 01 Jan 2010) 1 95