Investment Policy Measures

19 results
South Africa

South Africa

12 Sep 2024

Issues Currency and Exchanges Guidelines for Business Entities

On 12 September 2024, the Reserve Bank of South Africa issued new guidelines affecting outward foreign direct investment (FDI): • Conditions for Outward FDI: South African companies, including State-owned enterprises, can transfer [...]

South Africa

South Africa

16 Aug 2024

Adopts Electricity Regulation Amendment Act

On 16 August 2024, the President of the Republic of South Africa signed into law the Electricity Regulation Amendment Bill (Act 38 of 2024). The Act aims to amend the Electricity Regulation Act of 2006 to open the sector to greater [...]

South Africa

South Africa

21 Feb 2024

Introduces an investment allowance for new investments in production of electric vehicles

On 21 February 2024, the Minister of Finance of South Africa presented the 2024 Budget, which includes inter alia an incentive for producers of electric vehicles. According to the Budget, to encourage the production of electric vehicles [...]

South Africa

South Africa

02 Jun 2023

Introduces new regulations on moving assets overseas

In June 2023, the South African Revenue Service (SARS) introduced new controls on the procedures used by resident individuals to transfer their funds overseas. Under the previous system, any individual could use their foreign investment [...]

South Africa

South Africa

31 May 2023

Invest SA launches an Energy One-Stop Shop

On 31 May 2023, Invest SA launched Energy One-Stop Shop. The InvestSA One Stop Shop initiative simplifies the administrative procedures for issuing business approvals, permits and licences and thereby remove bottlenecks that investors [...]

South Africa

South Africa

23 Feb 2023

Extends research and development tax incentive

The Minister of Finance announced on 22 February 2023 that the Section 11D research and development (R&D) tax incentive, providing for a 150% deduction for qualifying expenditure on eligible scientific or technological R&D [...]

South Africa

South Africa

23 Feb 2023

Offers incentives for investment in renewable-energy projects

On 22 February 2023, The Minister of Finance of South Africa delivered the annual Budget Speech. The 2023 Budget includes tax incentives to support businesses and households who invest in renewable energy, including rooftop solar, [...]

South Africa

South Africa

28 Sep 2021

Restricts foreign ownership of private security companies

On 28 September 2021, the Private Security Industry Regulation Amendment Act, 2014 received assent. Among other issues, the Amendment Act introduces a requirement that private security companies be owned and controlled to at least [...]

South Africa

South Africa

14 Feb 2019

South Africa introduces a screening mechanism of foreign investment

The Competition Amendment Act, published on 14 February 2019, significantly amended the competition law regime in South Africa. Additionally, it introduced the screening mechanism of foreign investments in this country. The new law [...]

South Africa

South Africa

09 Nov 2018

Defense Sector Code adopted

The sector codes were gazetted by the Minister of Trade and Industry in November 2018 to enable, inter alia, sector specific transformation of the defence industry. The key highlight of the sector code stipulates that companies must [...]

South Africa

South Africa

13 Jul 2018

Protection of Investment Act came into effect

On 13 July 2018, the Protection of Investment Act came into effect with the publication of the presidential proclamation on the commencement of the Act. The Act, which had been adopted and assented to in 2015, has been passed following [...]

South Africa

South Africa

15 Jun 2017

Government adopted Mining Charter 2017 which raises black ownership threshold for mining firms

The new Mining Charter raises the minimum threshold for black ownership of mining companies to 30 per cent from 26 per cent. According to the Minister of Mineral Resources, companies have 12 months to meet the new 30 per cent target. [...]

South Africa

South Africa

17 Mar 2017

National Invest One-Stop Shop launched

The One Stop Shop launched on 17 March 2017 is a focal point of the government to shorten and simplify administrative procedures and guidelines for foreign companies wishing to invest in South Africa. It brings together key government [...]

South Africa

South Africa

15 Jul 2016

Launches initiative to enhance intra-African trade and investment

On 1 April 2016, the Minister of the Department of Trade and industry of South Africa launched a new initiative: The Trade Invest Africa. The “Trade Invest Africa” represents a strategy to enhance intra-African trade and investment. [...]

South Africa

South Africa

13 Dec 2015

Protection of Investment Act approved

The "Protection of Investment Act" was approved by the President on 13 December 2015. It replaces lapsed bilateral investment treaties. Further, it provides that "Existing investments that were made under such treaties will continue [...]

South Africa

South Africa

27 Nov 2014

Guidelines for extending the automotive investment scheme to medium and heavy commercial vehicle manufacturers

South Africa approved guidelines for the new Medium and Heavy Commercial Vehicles-Automotive Investment Scheme. It provides a non-taxable cash grant of 20% of the value of qualifying investment in productive assets by medium and heavy [...]

South Africa

South Africa

19 May 2014

Special Economic Zone Act No. 16 of 16 May 2014 adopted.

The new Act provides for the designation, promotion, development, operation and management of SEZs; the establishment of the SEZ Advisory Board; the establishment of the SEZ Fund; the regulation of application, issuing, suspension, [...]

South Africa

South Africa

08 Nov 2010

Launches new incentives schemes

On 8 November 2010, South Africa launched an incentive programme comprising two components per project: (i) an investment allowance of up to a maximum of R900 million, and (ii) a training allowance of up to R30 million. Both allowances [...]

South Africa

South Africa

08 Nov 2010

New incentives schemes

On 8 November 2010 South Africa launched an incentive programme that comprises of two components per project depending on compliance: (i) an investment allowance of up to a maximum of R900 million, and (ii) a training allowance of [...]

Number of policy measures per economy (since 01 Jan 2010) 1 96