Investment Policy Measures

6 results


26 Jul 2023

Establishes Startup Albania to promote startup initiatives domestically and internationally

On 26 July 2023, the Council of Ministers adopted Decision No. 467, titled "On the Organization and Functioning of the State Agency for Support and Development of Startups and Facilitators." This decision establishes and outlines the [...]



10 Mar 2022

Provides financial support to national and foreign startups

On 10 March 2022, the Parliament of Albania adopted Law No. 25 “On the Support and Development of Startups”. It establishes favorable regulatory and institutional framework for the creation and development of startups, both national [...]



01 Jan 2016

Entry into force of new Law on Strategic Investments

On 1 January 2016, the new Law on Strategic Investments, No. 55/2015 and the secondary legislation entered into force. The law foresees as strategic investments private, public or public-private investments in the following sectors: [...]



21 Jan 2013

Revokes the licence of a Czech power firm

On 21 January 2013, Albania's energy regulator (ERE) revoked the distribution licence of CEZ's local subsidiary, CEZ Shperndarje. CEZ is majority-owned by the Czech Government. The regulator holds CEZ Shperndarje liable for damages [...]



22 Mar 2012

Privatizes largest oil company

On 22 March 2012, the Parliament adopted a law authorizing the privatization of 100 percent of the shares of Albpetrol, the largest oil company in Albania. Albpetrol owns 1,264 active wells producing 135,000 tons and whose assets are [...]



09 Jun 2011

Privatizes Hydropower Plants

The Parliament approved a bill on 9 June 2011, which grants the permission to privatize hydropower plants in the country. Consequently, the "Ulez", "Shkopet", "Bistrica 1" and "Bistrica 2" plants were put on tender in 2012 and sold [...]

Number of policy measures per economy (since 01 Jan 2010) 1 96