

Amends the list of activities subject to review for foreign investors

14 May 2014

On 14 May 2014, the Minister of Economy issued a decree amending the articles of the law that inter alia regulates foreign investment. The decree amends the list of activities subject to review for foreign investors equipment, services and products that are essential to safeguard national interests in the areas of public order, public security and national defence, as follows: i) sustainability, integrity and safety of energy supply (electricity, gas, hydrocarbons or other sources of energy); ii) sustainability, integrity and safety of water supply; iii) sustainability, integrity and safety of transport networks and services; iv) sustainability, integrity and safety of electronic communications networks and services; v) operation of a building or installations of vital importance as defined in articles L. 1332-1 and L.1332-2 of the Code of Defence; and vi) protection of public health.