

Regulating the investment review mechanism

07 Jun 2014

On 7 June 2014 and 1 August 2014 three decrees that regulate the functioning of the investment review mechanism that ensures the protection of public safety and national essential security interests in Italy came into effect:

The Decree of the President of the Republic (D.P.R.) of 25 March 2014, n.86, which came into effect on 7 June 2014, lays down the rules for the exercise of the special powers relating to strategic assets in the fields of energy, transport and communications, as identified in art. 2 par. 1 of Decree Law (D.L.) 21/2012, also with reference to the definition of the organisational arrangements for carrying out the preparatory activities for the exercise of the special powers, in accordance with Art 2, par. 9 of the D.L..

On the same day, Decree of the President of the Republic (D.P.R.) of 25 March 2014, n.85, came into effect. This Regulation identifies the assets of strategic importance in the fields of energy, transport and communications. It also defines the scope of application of the discipline of these special powers.

On 15 August 2014, Decree of the President of the Council of Ministries (D.P.C.M.) of 6 June 2014, n.108 became effective. The measure identifies the activities of strategic importance for the system of national defence and security, including key strategic activities for which the special direction and control powers of art.1, par. 1, of D.L. 21/2012 can be exercised. It repealed the previous D.P.C.M. 253/2012, as amended by D.P.C.M. 129/2013.