Congo, Democratic Republic of the

Congo, Democratic Republic of the

Adoption of a mining code

10 Mar 2018

The President of the Democratic Republic of Congo signed, on 10 March 2018, a new mining code into law. The new law will increase royalties on copper from 2% to 3.5%, on gold from 2.5% to 3.5% and could potentially increase royalties on cobalt from 2% to 10%, if deemed a "strategic substance". Additionally, a new 50% tax-rate on so-called 'super profits', defined as income realized when commodity prices rise 25% above levels in the project's bankable feasibility study, will be introduced. Other key changes include a provision that doubles the state's free share in mining projects to 10% and a reduction on the period during which contract stability is guaranteed down to five years, from 10 years stipulated in the current mining law.