Côte d'Ivoire

Côte d'Ivoire

Adoption of new investment code

01 Aug 2018

Adopted through Ordinance No. 2018-646 of 1 August 2018, the new Investment Code repeals the Investment Code of 2012, as amended in 2015. Unlike the 2012 code, which limited itself to listing eligible sectors, the new Code notably categorizes them, taking into account the investment zones and the amounts invested. Thus, agriculture, agribusiness, health, hospitality fall under category 1 while sectors not included in category 1, investments in the hotel sector other than those included in the category 1, and sectors other than those excluded from this code constitute category 2. Liberal professions now join the list established by the old code of sectors excluded from the benefits of the code. Also, the new Code expressly sets out the State's readiness to take steps to facilitate the completion of investments. It provides for the establishment of developed industrial zones, agricultural lands and areas of tourist interest, and facilitates access to investors through various incentives.

Further, it redefines and consolidates the institutional framework for investments. It now provides for a specific agency that is responsible for promoting investments and which is the main contact for investors, carrying out its mission in collaboration with all relevant private and public structures.

Furthermore, in order to benefit from the conditions offered by the new legal framework, however, foreign investors need to rely on local companies to undertake their operations.

Finally, obligations relating to investors' commitments on human rights, labor law, social responsibility, environmental protection, taxation and the fight against corruption and the fight against illegal activities, have changed under the new code. If investors were in the past invited to contribute to the promotion of these different requirements, there is now an express obligation to comply with the relevant national laws and, failing that, the applicable international standards.