Côte d'Ivoire

Côte d'Ivoire

Decrees implementing Investment Code of 2018

18 Dec 2018

The Council has adopted on 18 December 2018 two decrees pursuant to Ordinance No. 2018-646 of 1 August 2018 on the Investment Code. The decrees relate to the organization and functioning of the accreditation committee of the Agency for Investment Promotion, and enterprises eligible for a tax credit for opening share capital to nationals. • The first decree governs the organization and functioning of the Accreditation Committee of the Agency for the Promotion of Investments. This decree organizes the functioning of the Accreditation Committee responsible for examining the applications for approval of investors. The committee includes four national experts from the Administration of the Promotion of Industry, Investments, Budget and Finance. • The second decree determines the sectors of activity benefiting from the tax credit for the opening of the registered capital to nationals. This decree grants the benefit of an additional 2% tax credit to companies in the agriculture, agribusiness, health and hotel sectors, as well as to all companies operating under other sectors of activity, excluding those in the commercial and professional sectors, the banking and financial sectors and the non-industrial building sector. However, the benefit of this advantage is only available to companies in the said sectors of activity that open up at least 15% of their capital to Ivorian nationals.