

Adopts a comprehensive law on investment

26 Jan 2020

On 26 January 2020, the Law № ЗРУ-598 on Investments and Investments Activities entered into force in Uzbekistan. It establishes a comprehensive regime for protection and promotion of foreign and domestic investments, as it brings together all former legislative acts on this matter, including the Law on Foreign Investments, on guarantees and measures to protect the rights of foreign investors, and on Investment Activities.

Although the new law preserves most guarantees and incentives provided for foreign investors, it envisages some changes in the investment regime in Uzbekistan. These include: - special provisions in investment agreements relating to anti-corruption and anti-monopoly matters; - additional benefits for investment in priority sectors granted on a case-by-case basis; - investment subsidies relating to the financing of the construction of external engineering and communications networks; - creation of a one-stop-shop service provided by the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade.