

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the Government strengthens its special powers in strategic sectors

06 Apr 2020

On 6 June 2020, the Law 5 June 2020, n.40 entered into effect. It converts the Decreto Legge 8 Aprile 2020, n.23, into law. The Decree-Law adopted by the Italian Cabinet expands the special power regime in strategic sectors that require prior approval for any foreign investment. The scope of the FDI screening now covers, inter alia, the financial, credit and insurance sectors, infrastructure and critical technologies, including energy, transport, water and health, food security, access to sensitive information (personal data), artificial intelligence, robotics, semiconductors, cyber-security, nanotechnology and biotechnology. The regime shall apply to acquisitions exceeding 10% of the share capital and a threshold of EUR 1 million has been introduced. Furthermore, the review also concerns acquisitions of Italian companies by entities from other EU member states. Additionally, the government is now entitled to intervene on its own motion without a necessity of a prior notification being filed.