

Regulation on licensing of infrastructures and oil operations

18 Sep 2020

On 18 September 2020, Mozambique implemented Decree no. 84/2020 Regulation on licensing of infrastructures and oil operations, applicable to the infrastructures to be installed by the concessionaires, operators and their contractors or any other legal persons involved in oil operations in Mozambique.

The Decree establishes rules and procedures pertaining to the licensing of construction, installation, alteration, substitution, operation and demobilizing of infrastructures utilized in oil operations. Furthermore, this new regulation sets forth the procedure for obtaining authorization for transport of oil products by circulating means (road, sea, river or railway), as well as the licensing procedure for storage of oil products.

One of the innovations of Decree no. 84/2020 is the creation of a recording system that the National Petroleum Institute is required to keep and to update, on all the data and licenses granted concerning all companies (and other entities) involved in oil operations in Mozambique.