

Updates the Guidance Notes for foreign investment

13 Apr 2022

On 13 April 2022, the Australian Treasury updated the Guidance Notes covering inter alia agriculture, commercial land, mining, residential land, and securities, available to investors to reflect the amendments made to the foreign investment framework and to address certain issues identified during the evaluation of the 2021 foreign investment reforms. For instance:

  • The Guidance Note on agriculture provides relevant information on agricultural land and other topics such as definition of agricultural land, meaning of primary production business, concept of ‘could reasonably be used for’ a primary production business, issue of approval, etc.;
  • The Guidance Note on commercial land provides information on commercial land and other topics such as the definition of commercial land; issue of approval; thresholds for commercial land investments, etc.
  • The Guidance on mining, provides information on land for mining and other topics such as issue of approval, mining or production tenement, exploration tenements etc.;
  • The Guidance Note on residential land the provides further information on residential land including the issue approval, acquisitions of vacant residential land, acquisitions of new (and near-new) dwellings, the various types of dwellings; and
  • The Guidance Note on foreign investment in securities or assets provides further information on business investments and the topics such as approval, general Australian entities and businesses; agribusinesses, land entities, media businesses, national security businesses, and offshore acquisitions and takeovers.
  • Type:
    • Promotion and facilitation (Investment facilitation )
  • Industry:
    • Primary (Agriculture, forestry and fishing, Mining and quarrying)
    • Services (Financial and insurance activities, Real estate activities)
  • Sources: