

Adopts National Investment Policy 2023

17 Apr 2023

In April 2023, Rwanda adopted the National Investment Policy 2023. The policy is primarily focussed on public investment, but it also aims to be a "reference guide for the mobilization, promotion and facilitation of private, domestic and foreign investment as well as the design and facilitation of public-private partnerships and other forms engagement between the public and private sectors for the promotion of investments in the country".

In particular, for the private sector, the policy recommends the need to address the issues associated with investor confidence, investment promotion and facilitation, investment registration and aftercare services in order to increase levels of both domestic and foreign direct investment to the country. It calls for encouraging private sector investment in sustainable development by incentivizing them through tax breaks, grants, and other innovative financial incentives.

It also requires the Government and the private sector to identify as many opportunities for PPPs in the different sectors of the economy as possible. In this regard, it calls for enhancing the capacity of government agencies across all levels to generate a steady stream of high-quality PPP bankable projects for investment.

Finally, the Policy calls for the Rwanda Development Agency (RDB) to coordinate its implementation, with the cooperation among all actors involved in attracting FDI into Rwanda (including detailed roles for each), so as to position the country as an attractive investment destination through image building activities, investment generation, investor servicing/facilitation and policy advocacy.