Investment Policy Monitor
UNCTAD has been collecting information on changes in national foreign direct investment (FDI) policies on an annual basis since 1992. This collection has provided input to the analysis of global and regional investment policy trends in the World Investment Report, the Investment Policy Monitors and the UNCTAD-OECD Reports on G20 Measures.
In 2024, to further strengthen the quality of reporting, UNCTAD revised the methodology of monitoring investment policy measures. and revised the measures going back to 2012 accordingly.
The Investment Policy Monitor provides the international investment community with country-specific, up-to-date information about the latest developments in foreign investment policies.
Through its monitoring of investment policy changes, UNCTAD offers cutting-edge and innovative contributions to investment policy discourse, and contributes to preparing the ground for future policymaking in the interest of making foreign investment work for sustainable development.
The UNCTAD's Investment Policy Monitor database include official measures affecting FDI adopted by United Nations Member States. These encompass measures explicitly targeting FDI (FDI-specific), as well as general investment measures with a clear impact on foreign investment (FDI-related). The measures are either reported directly to UNCTAD by Member States through annual surveys or identified by UNCTAD researchers through publicly accessible sources (such as government websites and specialized policy databases). The classification of measures as more or less favourable is based solely on their potential impact on investors.
Note: Measures are verified, to the fullest extent possible, by referencing government sources. The compilation of measures is not exhaustive.
Disclaimer: the boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.
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- Denmark - Launches a green investment programme
Launches a green investment programme
30 Jan 2024On 30 January 2024, the Government of Denmark launched a new targeted green investment programme with a DKK 1 billion budget (approximately $145 millions) for 2024. This initiative aims to bolster investment in green technologies by providing financial support or favorable loans and guarantees to businesses interested in starting or expanding their production capacities in wind and electrolysis technologies, including subcontractors. It also extends to the associated production and extraction of critical raw materials. However, the scheme is designed to support only the production facilities. The level of support offered will vary based on the individual needs of companies, with direct grants covering up to 15 per cent of investment costs, while favourable loans or guarantees can cover up to 20 per cent of the costs. This scheme is a key component of Denmark's green industrial strategy, emphasizing the Government's commitment to fostering green production jobs throughout the country. The scheme is managed by the Danish Export and Investment Fund (EIFO), and opened for applications on 30 January 2024.
- Promotion and facilitation (Investment incentives)
- Not industry specific (SDG)
- Primary (Mining and quarrying)
- Manufacturing (Other manufacturing)
- Services (Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply)
- Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, Nu åbner investeringsordning til Danmarks grønne styrkepositioner,, 27 Jan 2024
- Ministry of Industry, Business and Financial Affairs, Regeringen præsenterer i dag en ny grøn investeringsordning, der er direkte målrettet den grønne industri i Danmark.,, 21 Dec 2023
UNCTAD has been collecting information on changes in national foreign direct investment (FDI) policies on an annual basis since 1992. This collection has provided input to the analysis of global and regional investment policy trends in the World Investment Report, the Investment Policy Monitors and the UNCTAD-OECD Reports on G20 Measures.
In 2024, to further strengthen the quality of reporting, UNCTAD revised the methodology of monitoring investment policy measures. and revised the measures going back to 2012 accordingly.
The Investment Policy Monitor provides the international investment community with country-specific, up-to-date information about the latest developments in foreign investment policies.
Through its monitoring of investment policy changes, UNCTAD offers cutting-edge and innovative contributions to investment policy discourse, and contributes to preparing the ground for future policymaking in the interest of making foreign investment work for sustainable development.
The UNCTAD's Investment Policy Monitor database include official measures affecting FDI adopted by United Nations Member States. These encompass measures explicitly targeting FDI (FDI-specific), as well as general investment measures with a clear impact on foreign investment (FDI-related). The measures are either reported directly to UNCTAD by Member States through annual surveys or identified by UNCTAD researchers through publicly accessible sources (such as government websites and specialized policy databases). The classification of measures as more or less favourable is based solely on their potential impact on investors.
Note: Measures are verified, to the fullest extent possible, by referencing government sources. The compilation of measures is not exhaustive.
Disclaimer: the boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations.