

Adopted law to promote green hydrogen

24 Mar 2024

On 24 March 2024, Peru adopted the Green Hydrogen Promotion Act (Law No. 31992) which designates activities related to green hydrogen—from research and production to export and use—as national interests. The Ministry of Energy and Mines (MINEM) will promote the generation, production, and use of green hydrogen from renewable energies as an energy vector, as a fuel, and as an input in industrial processes nationwide, whether as hydrogen or by-products such as fertilizers, organic liquids, and methanol. MINEM is tasked with developing energy policies for the value chain of green hydrogen, including through the granting of economic incentives, planning for development centres, and securing international financing. It should also promote the development and production of green hydrogen at an industrial level from surplus renewable energy and for its application as a blend in the gas grid.

The law also mandates the creation of a regulatory framework and green hydrogen certification, with all regulations to be established by 19 September 2024.