

Regulates extractive activities in protected areas

06 Feb 2024

On 6 February 2024, Angola issued Presidential Decree 51/24, “Regulations on mining and oil and gas activities (“Activities”) in Environmental Protected Areas”. The Regulations provide that no “Activities” may take place in Full Natural Reserves, as defined in Law 8/20, of 6 April 2020 and Presidential Decree 50/24, of 2 February 2024. “Activities” in Protected Areas (other than Full Natural Reserves) must respect a detailed list of environmental requirements as set out in the Appendix to the Regulations. These include 37 measures, broken down between exploration, production and site abandonment activities, dealing inter alia with the following topics: seismic activities; sample collection; installation/dismantling of infrastructure; pipeline laying; water use; sand removal; soil contamination; waste disposal; noise; lightning; fencing; vehicle speed limits; protection of wildlife; fauna and flora protection; technical staff; awareness and training and site abandonment and relinquishment. To carry out “Activities” in a Protected Area (other than a Full Natural Reserve), the mineral rights holder, or the National Concessionaire (ANPG) and the respective operator, in case of oil and gas exploration, must obtain a Protected Area Access Declaration from the Ministry of Environment. The companies carrying our Activities in Protected Areas must observe the general environmental obligations prescribed in the Decree (in addition to those described above).