Central African Republic

Central African Republic

Adopted a Public-Private Partnership law

24 Jun 2019

On 24 June 2019, the Central African Republic adopted Law No. 19-007 on the Legal Framework for Public-Private Partnerships. The law establishes the fundamental principles for the conclusion, execution, control, and termination of public-private partnership contracts within the country.

Projects selected for the public-private partnership contract undergo a feasibility study and an environmental and social impact assessment. The feasibility study must include a comparative analysis of different options, particularly in terms of overall cost, risk sharing, and performance, as well as an analysis of the environmental consequences of the project and its impact on sustainable development. The law also sets criteria related to environmental protection for the award of the contract.

  • Type:
    • Entry and establishment (Ownership and control)
  • Industry:
    • Not industry specific
  • Sources: