

Liberalizes several FOREX operations affecting FDI

21 Mar 2024

On 21 March 2024, Mozambique issued Notice No. 4/GBM/2024, which establishes the Liberalization Regime for Capital Operations and Other Foreign Exchange Operations. As per Article 4 of the Notice the following transactions do not require authorization from the Bank of Mozambique: foreign direct investment; investment abroad, with a maximum value equivalent to $1 million for each calendar year; real estate investment in Mozambique; operations on securities and other instruments traded in the capital market outside the stock exchange in Mozambique; loans linked to the transaction of goods or the provision of services; loans and financial credits, carried out in accordance with conditions set out in Notice 04/GBM/2024; export of invested capital, in the case of partial or total disinvestment, or liquidation, and account opening by non-residents in national or foreign currency in Mozambique, when related to capital operations.