

Adopts €1 billion aid scheme to support investments in the production of equipment essential for the transition to net-zero

14 Dec 2023

On 14 December 2023, the European Commission approved Slovakia’s €1 billion scheme to support investments in the production of equipment essential for the transition to net-zero emissions, in line with the Green Deal Industrial Plan. The measure provides aid of up to €350 million per company through direct grants, tax relief and property leases below market value. Eligible beneficiaries include manufacturers of batteries, solar panels, wind turbines, heat pumps, electrolysers and carbon capture equipment, as well as producers of related components and critical raw materials. To qualify, projects must be strategic for climate-neutral industries and meet minimum investment thresholds of €10 million in assisted areas and €20 million in other regions. The aid intensity is capped at 15 per cent of eligible costs, increasing to 35 per cent in certain regions, with further increments available for small and medium-sized enterprises. The scheme, managed by the Slovak Ministry of Economy, is financed from the State budget and remain in effect until 31 December 2025.