Report on the implementation of the Investment Policy Review of the Gambia

The Investment Policy Review (IPR) of the Gambia provided an analysis and recommendations regarding the investment strategic, legal and institutional framework as well as a strategy to promote foreign direct investment (FDI) in priority sectors. Since its publication in 2017, the implementation of the IPR recommendations has occurred in a period marked with important political change for the country, and also multiple crises at the regional and global level.

Amid this context, the Gambia managed to attract unprecedented levels of FDI. Its performance vis-à-vis comparators increased, and there are signs of growing interest from foreign investors in various sectors. The country also conducted several reforms, notably in investment legislation, access to international markets, digital government and infrastructure development.

By request of the Government of the Gambia, UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD) prepared a report to assess the implementation of the IPR recommendations and chart a way forward to further improve the investment and business environment. The report highlights additional actions in support of the achievement of the country’s national development objectives and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It focuses on the investment-specific legal framework at the national and international levels and suggests reforms in key areas, including business establishment, competition and governance. It also emphasises the role of trade facilitation measures and of initiatives to strengthen investment promotion.