Investment Policy Monitor No. 11

The Investment Policy Monitor provides the international investment community with country-specific, up-to-date information about the latest developments in foreign investment policies, both at the national and international levels.

From January to October 2013, the overall share of more restrictive or regulatory investment policies continued to increase, although countries sought to attract more FDI through selected investment liberalization and promotion. More countries seek to retain foreign investors or promote repatriation by domestic investors.

Seventeen economies concluded eight new IIAs, that is four BITs and four “other IIAs”. The move towards regional IIAs continues as several such agreements entered into force were successfully concluded or are currently negotiated. There are four on-going regional IIA negotiations involving two regional blocks (EU and ASEAN) and together with their partners a total of 49 economies.

The conclusion of negotiations on the EU-Canada CETA creates further momentum for other inter-regional initiatives and other key negotiations.