Investment Policy Monitor No. 2
The Investment Policy Monitor provides policymakers and the international investment community with up-to-date information about the latest developments and salient features in foreign investment policies.
This Monitor is the second of a new series launched by the UNCTAD secretariat in order to provide policymakers and the international investment community with up-to-date information about the latest developments and salient features in foreign investment policies at the national and international level. It covers measures taken in the period from December 2009 until March 2010.
In the review period, 62 countries or economies introduced new national policy measures affecting their policy framework for foreign investment.
Twenty-eight economies adopted investment-specific measures, most of which aimed at liberalizing the entry of foreign investment into previously closed sectors (e.g. air transport or banking) or to otherwise facilitate investment conditions (through creating preferential conditions in free economic zones or the granting of incentives). Only a few countries adopted measures less favourable for foreign investment. Some instances of nationalizations occurred in Latin America.