Investment Policy Review of Morocco
The Investment Policy Review noted that Morocco had the potential to attract increased FDI inflows and FDI of a high quality in order to meet the development objective of the Emergence Plan of moving into high value added activities.
In addition, implementation of an investment charter and a number of reforms in the 1990s, as well as the privatization programme had contributed to bringing FDI to the country. However, the IPR noted that little of Morocco´s FDI performance could be assigned to the presence of a concerted FDI promotion and targeting strategy or effort.
The IPR recommended to:
- Pursue the modernization of the regulatory framework
- Strengthen the institutional framework
- Develop a proactive investment strategy in order to increase inflows and encourage reinvestment
- Strengthen Morocco's national innovation system
Following the completion of the IPR, UNCTAD has assisted the Government to:
- Carry out a training course on the methodology of collection and analysis of FDI statistics, including on how to prepare a national investment survey
- Draft a new Investment Code
- Prepare the Investment Guide to Morocco
- Conduct an in-depth review of the international investment agreements with a view to supporting the elaboration of a model bilateral investment treaty
The report is available in French