Trans-Pacific Partnership
TPP (2016)
- 1. Australia
- 2. Brunei Darussalam
- 3. Canada
- 4. Chile
- 5. Japan
- 6. Malaysia
- 7. Mexico
- 8. New Zealand
- 9. Peru
- 10. Singapore
- 11. United States of America
- 12. Viet Nam
Treaties with Investment Provisions
More information and the text of all chapters of the Agreement can be found at New Zealand's depository page for the TPP.
Side instruments
Relationships with other agreements
Mapped treaty elements
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The IIA Mapping Project
is a collaborative initiative between UNCTAD and
universities worldwide
to map the content of IIAs. The resulting database serves as a tool to understand trends in IIA
drafting, assess the prevalence of different policy approaches and identify treaty examples.
For more information on the project, please read the
Mapping Project Description & Methodology