UNCTAD supports G-20 Presidency by hosting Geneva-based TIWG Briefings 29-30 January 2018

30 Jan 2018

UNCTAD’s Investment Division hosted a half-day meeting of Geneva-based ambassadors of G20 economies, invited guests of the G-20 and chairs of key regional groups (see here for list of economies). This was preceded by a one-day coordination meeting between the six international organizations supporting the G-20 Trade and Investment Working Group (TIWG): IMF, ITC, OECD, World Bank, WTO and UNCTAD.

The two meetings aimed at coordinating the work of supporting international organizations and at harnessing Geneva-based expertise and obtaining feedback on the two areas of thematic work identified by the Argentine Presidency:

i) Global value chains and the agricultural sector

ii) The Fourth Industrial Revolution and Industry 4.0

The two areas of work (see here) build on existing work of the G-20.

UNCTAD’s support to the Argentine G-20 Presidency follows earlier contributions to the TIWG and support in response to specific mandates received from earlier G-20 Summits (see here).

Among others, the Division regularly contributes to the joint OECD UNCTAD monitoring of investment measures (see here) and, in 2016, facilitated G-20 consensus on Guiding Principles for Global Investment Policymaking (see here).