UNCTAD’s Virtual IIA Conference 2020, 26 November

27 Oct 2020

Save the date for UNCTAD’s Virtual IIA Conference 2020 on Thursday, 26 November, 11:00 to 14:00 Geneva time. The IIA Conference will be hosted online on a web conference platform.

Two panels with IIA policymakers and investment stakeholders will discuss key questions surrounding “IIA Reform in Times of COVID-19”.

IIA reform remains a daunting task for all member States, with the challenges exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Policymakers, IIA practitioners, civil society and legal scholars need to urgently take stock of ongoing reform efforts in times of COVID-19, in terms of both what IIA reform measures countries and regional organizations undertook or are considering to undertake in response to the crisis, and how to maintain and strengthen the reform momentum in light of the increased fragility of economies around the world that places added emphasis on the importance of FDI as a means of development finance.

The Virtual IIA Conference will aim to pave the way for further inclusive, transparent, and synchronized IIA reform processes in the pursuit of sustainable development in the post COVID-19 era.

The event will also provide time for an interactive discussion and a Q&A session with panellists. It will be accompanied by recorded video messages and written statements by IIA policymakers and investment stakeholders around the world discussing ongoing reform efforts, new challenges and priorities in light of COVID-19.

For more information, visit the dedicated event page.

The event will be open to all investment stakeholders (upon registration). The registration process closed on Wednesday, 18 November.

The detailed preliminary programme is now available.

Event page

Detailed preliminary programme