Togo launched its UNCTAD Investment Policy Review

30 May 2023

Togo launched the UNCTAD Investment Policy Review on 30 May 2023 in its capital Lomé.

The launch event was opened by H.E. Ms. Rose Kayi Mivedor, Minister of Investment Promotion, and Ms. Binta Sanneh, UNDP Togo Resident Representative. It brought together 60 participants from government and international development partners.

It was followed by a two-day training on investment promotion and facilitation.

Investment Policy Review of Togo

The Investment Policy Review (IPR) of Togo aims to support and strengthen the impact of the efforts made by the Government. The IPR analyzes the policy, legal and institutional barriers that impede the potential of FDI and hinder the development of the local private sector. To overcome them, the IPR provides concrete and targeted recommendations based on UNCTAD's Investment Policy Framework for Sustainable Development. It also presents a strategy to attract and promote investments in more diversified activities. The proposed reforms also aim to encourage the emergence of a strong local private sector and to deconcentrate economic activity for the benefit of all regions of the country.

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UNCTAD press release (in French)

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Launch event in Lomé