UNCTAD Multi-Stakeholder Platform discusses converging and diverging IIA reform trends

11 Sep 2024

The second meeting of the UNCTAD Multi-Stakeholder Platform on IIA Reform took place virtually on 10 September 2024. The meeting provided a forum for stakeholders to discuss converging and diverging trends in the substantive areas covered by reformed international investment agreements (IIAs).

Over 40 participants from governments, civil society, academia, international and regional organizations engaged in the interactive dialogue hosted by UNCTAD.

The Multi-Stakeholder Platform serves as an informal group of experts for knowledge sharing and exchange of best practices. It aims to foster collaboration among stakeholders.

During the 2023 World Investment Forum in Abu Dhabi (United Arab Emirates), several experts called for the establishment of a mechanism to fast-track inclusive and transparent IIA reform discussions. UNCTAD subsequently launched the Multi-Stakeholder Platform on IIA Reform which was welcomed by participants.

The following questions guided the discussions at the second meeting of the UNCTAD Multi-Stakeholder Platform on IIA Reform:

  • In which substantive areas of international investment policymaking can we observe converging trends, and in which areas do we see diverging trends?
  • What are the drivers and inhibitors of such convergence and divergence in substantive areas?
  • Concerning the desirability of convergence and divergence: What areas of international investment cooperation can benefit from convergence? In which areas is divergence desirable?

The substantive provisions of IIAs have seen a shift towards sustainable development over the past decade. New-generation IIAs are markedly different from their old-generation counterparts. At the same time, reformed IIAs are diverse. The meeting identified specific examples of convergence and divergence in substantive areas of international investment policymaking. It also provided insights on the factors and circumstances giving rise to differences and similarities in approaches.

Insights from the discussions will inform UNCTAD’s research and policy analysis on investment treaties.

Participants contributed to the discussions in their personal capacity. The meeting was conducted as an interactive dialogue under the Chatham House Rule.

Read about the first meeting of UNCTAD's Multi-Stakeholder Platform on IIA Reform (29 February 2024)

Click here for more information on the UNCTAD Multi-Stakeholder Platform on IIA Reform