Investment Policy Measures

28 results


11 Sep 2024

Extension and expansion of incentive regime for semiconductor industry

On 11 September 2024, the Government of Brazil adopted legislation that will come into force on 1 January 2025, extending existing financial incentives for the semiconductor industry and introducing new ones. The law: Extends the [...]



09 Aug 2023

New incentives for rail investment projects

On 9 August 2023, the Economic Policy Council of Brazil, Confaz, approved a proposal from the Ministry of Transport to grant an exemption from the ICMS tax for railway projects. The ICMS tax ( Imposto sobre Circulação de Mercadorias [...]



15 Jun 2022

Regulates exploitation of offshore wind energy production

On 25 January 2022, the Brazilian government issued Decree No. 10.946/2022, which provides rules for allocating the use of physical spaces and natural resources in open waters for energy production. The decree will come into effect [...]



18 Mar 2022

Reduces tax rates on foreign exchange transactions

On 15 March, the Brazilian Government issued Decree No. 10.997, which gradually reduces the tax rate of the "Imposto sobre Operaçoes Financeiras" (IOF), a tax on certain foreign exchange operations. Under current legislation, tax [...]



21 Jun 2021

Partially privatizes an electricity utilities State-owned company

On 21 June 2021, the National Congress of Brazil approved new legislation allowing for a partial privatization of a State-owned enterprise from the energy sector. The new legislation (entitled Provisional Measure No.1031/2021) mandates [...]



14 Apr 2021

Privatizes operation of airports, maritime ports and rail lines

On 9 April 2021, the Brazilian government concluded privatization auctions to award operation contracts for several transport infrastructures in different regions, previously operated by state-owned enterprises. As a result, concession [...]



27 Sep 2019

Simplifies procedures for foreign investors in financial sector

On 27 September 2019, the Presidential Decree no. 10,029 entered into force. It simplifies the entry procedures for foreign financial institutions willing to open branches in Brazil or foreign investors wanting to invest in the financial [...]



23 Sep 2019

Regulates dispute settlement procedures for major infrastructure contracts between public administration and private contractors

On 20 September 2019, the government enacted Decree Nº 10.025, which enables the use of arbitration as a dispute settlement mechanism for commercial disputes related to major infrastructure projects. The text came into effect on 23 [...]



17 Jun 2019

Opens domestic air transport services market to foreign-owned operators

On 17 June 2019, the government issued Law Nº 13.842 that modifies the Brazilian Code of Aeronautics of 1986. The new legislation removes previous limitations to foreign ownership of domestic air carriers. The new law came into effect [...]



13 Dec 2018

Allows 100 per cent of foreign capital in airlines

On 13 December 2018, Brazil adopted a temporary decree allowing Brazilian airlines to have 100 per cent participation of foreign capital. This lifted the previous 20 per cent limit on foreign investment in Brazilian airlines. [...]



11 Apr 2017

Lowered local content requirements for the oil industry to 50 per cent

On 11 April 2017, the National Energy Policy Council of Brazil (CNPE) approved the realization of the 3rd round of bidding under the production sharing scheme for off-shore pre-salt oil fields. It also relaxed local purchasing rules [...]



16 Mar 2017

Privatizes four airports

On 16 March 2017, Brazil awarded three European groups the rights to operate four airports. The companies committed to investing at least 6.61 billion Reais in the airports and to paying the government an additional 2.26 billion Reais [...]



29 Nov 2016

Opens offshore oilfields to foreign investment

On 29 November 2016, Brazil adopted changes to the structure of it’s pre-salt oil industry, opening the door to increased foreign investment. The old law required the national oil company, Petrobras, to be the sole operator of all [...]



24 Nov 2016

Simplifies registration of foreign direct investment

On 24 November 2016, the Central Bank of Brazil issued Resolution No. 4,533 of the National Monetary Council, which modifies Resolution 3,844 of 23 March 2010, with the purpose of simplifying the registration of Foreign Direct Investment. [...]



25 Jun 2016

Repeals foreign ownership restrictions of domestic airlines

On 25 June 2016, Brazil’s President vetoed a law that would have abolished foreign ownership restrictions of domestic airlines. The veto also led to an unwinding of a lesser liberalization that had been passed through Provisional Measure [...]



02 Mar 2016

Raises foreign ownership limit on airlines from 20 to 49 per cent

Through Provisional Measure No. 714, issued on 1 March 2016 and effective 2 March 2016, Brazil relaxed restrictions on foreign ownership in domestic airlines. The measure – which needs to be confirmed by National Congress – increases [...]



20 Jan 2015

Liberalization of foreign investment in the healthcare sector

On 20 January 2015, Law No. 13097, of 19 January 2015 (Law 13097/2015), entered into force. The law alters previous foreign investment regulations in the healthcare sector (Law no. 8.080/90), by permitting the full participation of [...]



01 May 2013

Approves tax credit for ethanol industry

The Government announced that the PIS/Cofins taxes on ethanol will be cut from 12 percent to almost zero from 1 May 2013. In addition, the mandatory blend of anhydrous ethanol in petrol will be raised to 25 percent. In addition, the [...]



07 Dec 2012

Extends investment incentives under PSI programme

The Investment Support Programme (Programa de Sustentação do Investimento, PSI) will be extended through 2013. Funds committed by the Government amount to an increase in US $ 85 billion, the amount allocated to finance expenditure [...]



03 Oct 2012

New tax rebate for the car industry

The Brazilian Government has issued a Decree (7819/12) that regulates the implementation of the Inovar Auto programme, which seeks to promote innovation in the automotive sector through research and development. It focuses on environmentally [...]



06 Feb 2012

Privatizes three airports

The Government has raised R24.5 billion (US $14 billion) through the auction of three licenses to operate some of Brazil’s busiest airports. Invepar ACSA, a consortium led by local pension funds belonging to employees of state-run [...]



16 Dec 2011

Grants tax exception for regional car producers

In mid-September, the Government raised the Imposto Sobre Produtos Industrializados (IPI, an industrial products tax) on passenger cars by 30 percent, while at the same time exempted companies that fulfil local content requirements [...]



02 Dec 2011

Ends tax on financial transactions related to foreign investments in stocks

The Government reduced to zero the tax on financial transactions related to certain forms of foreign investment, including: 1) transfers of funds from abroad to be held in equities on the stock exchange or futures and commodities exchange, [...]



12 Sep 2011

Lifts 49 per cent ownership cap on foreign ownership of TV cable operators

Brazil has approved a law lifting the 49 percent cap on foreign ownership of cable operators. The law furthermore entitles telecom operators to offer combined packages including voice, broadband and TV services. With the law, the Government [...]



22 Aug 2011

Auctions first airports

On 22 August 2011, Brazil auctioned rights to the first major airport to be operated by a private company. Brazil's growing demand for air travel—which expanded 23 percent last year—has put a strain on the country's airports. Ms. Rousseff [...]

Number of policy measures per economy (since 01 Jan 2010) 1 95