No. Full title Short title Type Status Parties Date of signature Date of entry into force Termination date Text
1 Egypt - Iceland BIT (2008) BITs In force Egypt 08/01/2008 15/06/2009 Full text: ar | en
2 Iceland - India BIT (2007) BITs Terminated India 29/06/2007 16/12/2008 31/07/2019 Full text: en | is
3 Iceland - Mexico BIT (2005) BITs In force Mexico 24/06/2005 28/04/2006 Full text: en | es | is
4 Iceland - Lebanon BIT (2004) BITs In force Lebanon 24/06/2004 24/11/2005 Full text: en
5 Chile - Iceland BIT (2003) BITs In force Chile 26/06/2003 16/05/2006 Full text: es | en | is
6 Iceland - Viet Nam BIT (2002) BITs In force Viet Nam 20/09/2002 10/07/2003 Full text: en | is
7 Iceland - Lithuania BIT (2002) BITs In force Lithuania 20/08/2002 18/04/2003 Full text: en | is
8 Iceland - Latvia BIT (1998) BITs In force Latvia 11/06/1998 01/05/1999 Full text: en | lv | is
9 China - Iceland BIT (1994) BITs In force China 31/03/1994 01/03/1997 Full text: en | is | zh
No. Full title Short title Type Status Parties Date of signature Date of entry into force Termination date Text
1 EFTA-Thailand FTA (2025) TIPs Signed (not in force) Thailand 23/01/2025 Full text: en
2 Trade and Economic Partnership Agreement between the EFTA States and the Republic of India EFTA - India TEPA (2024) TIPs Signed (not in force) India 10/03/2024 Full text: en
3 EFTA - Moldova FTA (2023) TIPs Signed (not in force) Moldova, Republic of 27/06/2023 Full text: en
4 Iceland - Liechtenstein - Norway - United Kingdom FTA (2021) TIPs In force Liechtenstein, Norway, United Kingdom 08/07/2021 01/09/2022
Investment ch.: en
5 Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement between the Republic of Indonesia and the EFTA States EFTA States - Indonesia EPA (2018) TIPs In force Indonesia 16/12/2018 01/11/2021 Full text: en
6 Ecuador - EFTA FTA (2018) TIPs In force Ecuador 25/06/2018 01/11/2020 Full text: en | es
7 EFTA - Türkiye FTA (2018) TIPs In force Türkiye 25/06/2018 01/10/2021 Full text: en
8 Free Trade Agreement between the EFTA States and Georgia EFTA - Georgia FTA (2016) TIPs In force Georgia 27/06/2016 01/09/2017 Full text: en
9 EFTA-Philippines FTA (2016) TIPs In force Philippines 28/04/2016 01/06/2018 Full text: en
10 Free Trade Agreement between the EFTA States and Bosnia and Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina - EFTA FTA (2013) TIPs In force Bosnia and Herzegovina 24/06/2013 01/01/2015 Full text: en
11 Free Trade Agreement between the EFTA States and the Central American States EFTA - Central America FTA (2013) TIPs In force Costa Rica, Panama 24/06/2013 19/08/2014 Full text: en
Investment ch.: en | es
12 Free Trade Agreement between the Government of the People's Republic of China and the Government of Iceland China - Iceland FTA (2013) TIPs In force China 15/04/2013 01/07/2014 Full text: en
13 Free Trade Agreement between EFTA and Montenegro EFTA - Montenegro FTA (2011) TIPs In force Montenegro 14/11/2011 01/11/2012 Full text: en
14 Free Trade Agreement between EFTA and Hong Kong EFTA - Hong Kong FTA (2011) TIPs In force Hong Kong, China SAR 21/06/2011 01/10/2012 Full text: en
Investment ch.: en
15 Free Trade Agreement between EFTA and Peru EFTA - Peru FTA (2010) TIPs In force Peru 14/07/2010 01/07/2011 Full text: en | es
16 Free Trade Agreement between EFTA and Ukraine EFTA - Ukraine FTA (2010) TIPs In force Ukraine 24/06/2010 01/06/2012 Full text: en
Investment ch.: en
17 Free Trade Agreement between EFTA and Serbia EFTA - Serbia FTA (2009) TIPs In force Serbia 17/12/2009 01/10/2010 Full text: en
18 Free Trade Agreement between the Republic of Albania and EFTA states Albania - EFTA FTA (2009) TIPs In force Albania 17/12/2009 01/10/2010 Full text: en
19 Free Trade Agreement between the Gulf Cooperation Council and the EFTA States GCC - EFTA FTA (2009) TIPs In force GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) 22/06/2009 01/07/2014 Full text: en
20 Trade and Investment Cooperation Agreement between Iceland and the United States Iceland - US TIFA (2009) TIPs Signed (not in force) United States of America 15/01/2009 Full text: en
21 Free Trade Agreement between the EFTA States and Colombia Colombia - EFTA FTA (2008) TIPs In force Colombia 25/11/2008 01/07/2011 Full text: en
Investment ch.: en
22 Free Trade Agreement between EFTA and Canada Canada - EFTA FTA (2008) TIPs In force Canada 26/01/2008 01/07/2009 Full text: en
23 Free Trade Agreement between EFTA and Egypt EFTA - Egypt FTA (2007) TIPs In force Egypt 27/01/2007 01/09/2008 Full text: en
24 Free Trade Agreement between the EFTA States and SACU EFTA - SACU FTA (2006) TIPs In force SACU (Southern African Customs Union) 26/06/2006 01/05/2008 Full text: en
25 Iceland - Liechtenstein - Switzerland - Korea, Republic of Agreement on Investment (2005) TIPs In force Korea, Republic of, Liechtenstein, Switzerland 15/12/2005 01/09/2006 Full text: de | en | fr
26 Free Trade Agreement between the EFTA States and Republic of Tunisia EFTA - Tunisia FTA (2004) TIPs In force Tunisia 17/12/2004 01/06/2005 Full text: en
27 Free Trade Agreement between the EFTA States and Lebanon EFTA - Lebanon FTA (2004) TIPs In force Lebanon 24/06/2004 01/01/2007 Full text: en
28 Free Trade Agreement between the EFTA States and the Republic of Chile Chile - EFTA FTA (2003) TIPs In force Chile 26/06/2003 01/12/2004 Full text: en
29 Free Trade Agreement between the EFTA States and Singapore EFTA - Singapore FTA (2002) TIPs In force Singapore 26/06/2002 01/01/2003 Full text: en
Investment ch.: en
30 Free Trade Agreement between the EFTA States and the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan EFTA - Jordan FTA (2001) TIPs In force Jordan 21/06/2001 01/09/2002 Full text: en
31 Revised Convention Establishing the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) EFTA (2001) TIPs In force 21/06/2001 01/06/2002 Full text: en
Investment ch.: en
32 Free Trade Agreement between the EFTA States and Mexico EFTA - Mexico FTA (2000) TIPs In force Mexico 27/11/2000 01/07/2001 Full text: en
33 Free Trade Agreement between the EFTA States and the Republic of Macedonia EFTA - Macedonia FTA (2000) TIPs In force North Macedonia 19/06/2000 01/05/2002 Full text: en
34 Interim Agreement between the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) States and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) for the Benefit of the Palestinian Authority EFTA - Palestine Interim Agreement (1998) TIPs In force State of Palestine 30/11/1998 01/07/1999 Full text: en
35 Arrangement on Trade and Economic Cooperation between the Government of Canada and the Government of the Republic of Iceland Canada - Iceland Cooperation Agreement (1998) TIPs In force Canada 24/03/1998 24/03/1998 Full text: en
36 Free Trade Agreement between the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) and the Kingdom of Morocco EFTA - Morocco FTA (1997) TIPs In force Morocco 19/06/1997 01/03/2000 Full text: en
37 The Energy Charter Treaty The Energy Charter Treaty (1994) TIPs In force EU (European Union) 17/12/1994 16/04/1998 Full text: en
Investment ch.: en
38 Free Trade Agreement between the EFTA States and Israel EFTA - Israel FTA (1992) TIPs In force Israel 17/09/1992 01/01/1993 Full text: en
39 Agreement Establishing the European Economic Area (EC-EFTA) EC - EFTA (1992) TIPs In force EU (European Union) 02/05/1992 01/01/1994 Full text: en
No. Short title Date of adoption Level Type Files
1 TRIPS 1994 Multilateral Intergovernmental agreements Full text: en | fr | es
2 TRIMS 1994 Multilateral Intergovernmental agreements Full text: en | fr | es
3 MIGA Convention 1985 Multilateral Intergovernmental agreements Full text: en | fr | es
4 New York Convention 1958 Multilateral Intergovernmental agreements Full text: en | fr | es
5 ICSID Convention 1965 Multilateral Intergovernmental agreements Full text: en | fr | es
6 Fifth Protocol to GATS 1997 Multilateral Intergovernmental agreements Full text: en | fr | es
7 Fourth Protocol to GATS 1997 Multilateral Intergovernmental agreements Full text: en | fr | es
8 GATS 1994 Multilateral Intergovernmental agreements Full text: en | fr | es
9 OECD Invisible Operations 1961 Multilateral Intergovernmental agreements Full text: en
10 OECD Capital Movements 1961 Multilateral Intergovernmental agreements Full text: en
11 OECD Convention on the Protection of Foreign Property 1967 Regional/Plurilateral Draft instruments Full text: en
12 Draft Supplementary Treaty to the Energy Charter Treaty 1998 Regional/Plurilateral Draft instruments Full text: en
13 UN Code of Conduct on Transnational Corporations 1983 Multilateral Draft instruments Full text: en | fr | es
14 MAI Draft 1998 Regional/Plurilateral Draft instruments Full text: en | fr
15 OECD Declaration Multinational Enterprises 2000 Regional/Plurilateral Guidelines, principles, resolutions and similar Full text: en | fr
16 Doha Declaration 2001 Multilateral Guidelines, principles, resolutions and similar Full text: en | fr | es
17 World Bank Investment Guidelines 1992 Multilateral Guidelines, principles, resolutions and similar Full text: en
18 ILO Tripartite Declaration on Multinational Enterprises 2000 Multilateral Guidelines, principles, resolutions and similar Full text: en
19 ILO Tripartite Declaration on Multinational Enterprises 2006 Multilateral Guidelines, principles, resolutions and similar Full text: en
20 ILO Tripartite Declaration on Multinational Enterprises 1977 Multilateral Guidelines, principles, resolutions and similar Full text: en | fr | es
21 OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises 2011 Regional/Plurilateral Guidelines, principles, resolutions and similar Full text: en
22 OECD Principles of Corporate Governance 1999 Regional/Plurilateral Guidelines, principles, resolutions and similar Full text: en | es
23 Singapore Ministerial Declaration 1996 Multilateral Guidelines, principles, resolutions and similar Full text: en | fr | es
24 UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights 2011 Multilateral Guidelines, principles, resolutions and similar Full text: en
25 Permanent Sovereignty UN Resolution 1962 Multilateral Guidelines, principles, resolutions and similar Full text: en | fr | es
26 New International Economic Order UN Resolution 1974 Multilateral Guidelines, principles, resolutions and similar Full text: en | fr | es
27 Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States 1974 Multilateral Guidelines, principles, resolutions and similar Full text: en | fr | es