Trinh and Binh Chau v. Viet Nam (I) Trinh Vinh Binh and Binh Chau Joint Stock Company v. Socialist Republic of Viet Nam (I)
Viet Nam
Ownership of a food-processing factory, a garment factory and various tourism assets.
Claims arising out of the alleged unlawful confiscation of real estate and other claimants' assets without compensation, including the criminal conviction of Mr. Trinh.
Secondary: C - Manufacturing
Tertiary: L - Real estate activities
10 - Manufacture of food products
68 - Real estate activities
SCC (Stockholm Chamber of Commerce)
Baker, C. M.
Hobér, K.
Stern, B.
Award dated 14 March 2007
100.00 mln USD
Data not available
Direct expropriation
Not applicable - settled or discontinued before decision on liability