Schaper v. Poland Lutz Ingo Schaper v. Republic of Poland
Shareholding in company engaged in the import of waste-paper into Poland.
Claims arising out of the prohibition on importation of raw material waste paper pursuant to a statutory amendment concerning environmental protection.
Tertiary: E - Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities
38 - Waste collection, treatment and disposal activities; materials recovery
None (no administering institution)
Blessing, M.
Wühler, N.
Tynel, A.
Keil, W. (replaced)
Final Partial Award dated 22 August 2006
Dissent of Andrzej Tynel
Order for the termination of the proceedings dated 23 February 2009
3.00 mln USD
Data not available
Data not available
Not applicable - settled or discontinued before decision on liability
Data not available