Anderson v. Costa Rica Alasdair Ross Anderson and others v. Republic of Costa Rica (ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/07/3)
Costa Rica
Capital contributions in an illegal financial intermediation scheme operated by two Costa Rican individuals.
Claims arising out of the alleged Government's failure to provide proper vigilance and governmental regulatory supervision over the national financial system, which led the 137 individual claimants to lose their deposits made in a Costa Rican business acting under a Ponzi scheme.
Tertiary: K - Financial and insurance activities
64 - Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding
ICSID AF (ICSID Additional Facility)
ICSID (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes)
Morelli Rico, S.
Salacuse, J. W.
Vinuesa, R. E.
Decided in favour of State
405.00 mln USD
Data not available
Indirect expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Full protection and security, or similar
None - jurisdiction declined