MNSS and RCA v. Montenegro MNSS B.V. and Recupero Credito Acciaio N.V v. Montenegro (ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/12/8)
Majority shareholding in a steel production company located in Montenegro.
Claims arising out of alleged Government interference with the operation and management of a steel production facility in which the claimants had invested, leading to its bankruptcy.
Secondary: C - Manufacturing
24 - Manufacture of basic metals
ICSID AF (ICSID Additional Facility)
ICSID (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes)
Rigo Sureda, A.
Gaillard, E.
Stern, B.
Schreuer, C. H. (replaced)
Decided in favour of neither party (liability found but no damages awarded)
Decision on the Request for Supplementary Decision dated 24 October 2016
100.00 mln EUR (114.50 mln USD)
0.00 mln USD
Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Full protection and security, or similar

Arbitrary, unreasonable and/or discriminatory measures

Most-favoured nation treatment

Transfer of funds

Indirect expropriation

Direct expropriation
Full protection and security, or similar