Williams Companies and others v. Venezuela (II) The Williams Companies International Holdings B.V., WilPro Energy Services (El Furrial) Limited and WilPro Energy Services (Pigap II) Limited v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (II) (ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/19/3)
Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of
Rights under long term agreements for gas supply in Venezuela; ownership and operation of gas compression and injection plants.
Claims arising out of Venezuela’s alleged failure to comply with a 2012 settlement agreement of an earlier dispute with the claimants. The earlier dispute, discontinued in 2017, concerned the termination of claimants’ long-term contract with the national oil company PDVSA for gas compression and injection and gas supply in Venezuela, followed by the seizure of their assets under a nationalization decree.
Primary: B - Mining and quarrying
Tertiary: D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
6 - Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas
35 - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
ICSID AF (ICSID Additional Facility)
ICSID (International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes)
Abdel Wahab, M. S.
Shin, H.-T.
Galindo, A.
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