

NO. Year of initiation Short case name Full case name Applicable IIA Arbitral rules Administering institution Summary Details of investment Outcome of original proceedings Respondent State Home State of investor Economic sector Economic subsector Arbitrators Amount claimed Amount awarded (or settled for) Breaches alleged Breaches found Decisions Individual opinions Follow-on proceeding type Follow-on proceeding status Follow-on decisions Follow-on individual opinions ICSID annulment committee members
1 2022 Suffolk and others v. Portugal Suffolk (Mauritius) Limited, Mansfield (Mauritius) Limited and Silver Point Mauritius v. Portuguese Republic (ICSID Case No. ARB/22/28) Mauritius - Portugal BIT (1997) ICSID ICSID Investment: Loans to now-defunct local bank Banco Espírito Santo.

Summary: Claims arising out of the Government’s alleged failure to pay compensation owed to the claimants related to the government’s bailout and restructuring of Banco Espírito Santo, to which the claimants had provided loans.
Loans to now-defunct local bank Banco Espírito Santo. Pending Portugal Mauritius Tertiary: K - Financial and insurance activities 64 - Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding Sharpe, J. K. - President

Schill, S. - Claimant

Stern, B. - Respondent
Data not available Data not available Data not available Pending Data not available Data not available None None None None None
NO. Year of initiation Short case name Full case name Applicable IIA Arbitral rules Administering institution Summary Details of investment Outcome of original proceedings Respondent State Home State of investor Economic sector Economic subsector Arbitrators Amount claimed Amount awarded (or settled for) Breaches alleged Breaches found Decisions Individual opinions Follow-on proceeding type Follow-on proceeding status Follow-on decisions Follow-on individual opinions ICSID annulment committee members
1 2024 Machado v. Angola Ricardo Filomeno Duarte Ventura Leitão Machado v. Republic of Angola (ICSID Case No. ARB/24/8) Angola - Portugal BIT (2008) ICSID ICSID Investment: Ownership of local company Aenergy S.A., holding 13 contracts with public entities for the supply and installation of equipment for power plants.

Summary: Claims arising out of the Government’s unilateral termination of contracts signed with the claimant’s company Aenergy and the alleged seizure of four turbines owned by Aenergy.
Ownership of local company Aenergy S.A., holding 13 contracts with public entities for the supply and installation of equipment for power plants. Pending Angola Portugal Tertiary: F - Construction 42 - Civil engineering Galíndez, V. - President

Iglesia, A. - Claimant

Fernández Arroyo, D. P. - Respondent
112.80 mln USD Data not available Direct expropriation

Indirect expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims
Pending Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available
2 2022 Immobilien Partner and others v. Viet Nam Immobilien Partner GmbH, GOE Engenharias and Mekolor Joint Stock Company v. Socialist Republic of Viet Nam Germany - Viet Nam BIT (1993) ICC ICC Investment:

Pending Viet Nam Germany

Tertiary: K - Financial and insurance activities 64 - Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Pending Data not available Data not available None None None None None
3 2017 Sastre and others v. Mexico Carlos Esteban Sastre and others v. United Mexican States (ICSID Case No. UNCT/20/2) Argentina - Mexico BIT (1996)

France - Mexico BIT (1998)

Mexico - Portugal BIT (1999)

NAFTA (1992)
UNCITRAL ICSID Investment: Investments in boutique hotels.

Summary: Claims arising out of the alleged illegal seizure by municipal and federal officials of hotel properties in the Mexican state of Quintana Roo in which the claimants had invested. According to the claimants, the federal courts failed to remedy the alleged illegal dispossessions in subsequent local court proceedings.
Investments in boutique hotels. Decided in favour of State Mexico Argentina



Tertiary: I - Accommodation and food service activities 55 - Accommodation Zuleta, E. - President

Poncet, C. - Claimant

Söderlund, C. - Respondent
80.00 mln USD Data not available Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Direct expropriation

Indirect expropriation

Arbitrary, unreasonable and/or discriminatory measures

Most-favoured nation treatment
None - jurisdiction declined Award on Jurisdiction dated 21 November 2022 None None None None None None
4 2015 Cavalum SGPS v. Spain Cavalum SGPS, S.A. v. Kingdom of Spain (ICSID Case No. ARB/15/34) The Energy Charter Treaty (1994) ICSID ICSID Investment: Ownership of five solar power plants in Western and Central Spain.

Summary: Claims arising out of a series of energy reforms undertaken by the Government affecting the renewables sector, including a 7 per cent tax on power generators’ revenues and a reduction in subsidies for renewable energy producers.
Ownership of five solar power plants in Western and Central Spain. Decided in favour of investor Spain Portugal Tertiary: D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 35 - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Collins, L. - President

Haigh, D. - Claimant

Bethlehem, D. - Respondent
60.00 mln EUR (69.70 mln USD) 7.40 mln EUR (7.10 mln USD) Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Arbitrary, unreasonable and/or discriminatory measures

Indirect expropriation

Umbrella clause
Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims Decision on Jurisdiction, Liability and Directions on Quantum dated 31 August 2020

Reconsideration Decision dated 10 January 2022

Second Decision on Reconsideration dated 7 September 2022

Award dated 29 September 2022
Dissenting Opinion by David Haigh ICSID annulment proceedings Pending (ICSID annulment proceedings) None None Hascher, D. - President

Cantuarias Salaverry, F. - Member

Radi, Y. - Member
5 2015 PT Ventures v. Cabo Verde PT Ventures, SGPS, S.A. v. Republic of Cabo Verde (ICSID Case No. ARB/15/12) Cape Verde - Portugal BIT (1990) ICSID ICSID Investment: Minority shareholding in Cabo Verde Telecom, S.A. (CV Telecom), a telecommunications services provider, which has 440,000 mobile and 64,000 landline clients in Cape Verde.

Summary: Claims arising out of the alleged unilateral termination of the partnership agreement in December 2014 signed between the claimant and Government of Cape Verde in 1996.
Minority shareholding in Cabo Verde Telecom, S.A. (CV Telecom), a telecommunications services provider, which has 440,000 mobile and 64,000 landline clients in Cape Verde. Settled Cabo Verde Portugal Tertiary: J - Information and communication 61 - Telecommunications Fernández-Armesto, J. - President

Mantilla-Serrano, F. - Claimant

Ramos, B. M. - Respondent
Data not available Data not available Data not available Not applicable - settled or discontinued before decision on liability Order of the tribunal taking note of the discontinuance of the proceeding pursuant to ICSID Arbitration Rule 43(1) dated 10 June 2019 None None None None None None
6 2015 Way2B v. Libya Way2B ACE v. Libya Libya - Portugal BIT (2003) ICC ICC Investment: Contracts for the design and construction of two university complexes with Libya’s Organization for the Development of Administrative Centres (ODAC).

Summary: Claims arising out of a Libyan state entity’s failure to perform its contracts with the claimant for the construction of two university compounds prior to the civil war in Libya. The claimant also allegedly incurred losses and destruction of assets during and after the civil war.
Contracts for the design and construction of two university complexes with Libya’s Organization for the Development of Administrative Centres (ODAC). Decided in favour of State Libya Portugal Tertiary: F - Construction 41 - Construction of buildings Glick, I. - President

Hanotiau, B. - Claimant

Douglas, Z. - Respondent
53.00 mln EUR (60.70 mln USD) Data not available Data not available None - all claims dismissed at the merits stage Award dated 24 May 2018 None None None None None None
7 2012 Dan Cake v. Hungary Dan Cake (Portugal) S.A. v. Hungary (ICSID Case No. ARB/12/9) Hungary - Portugal BIT (1992) ICSID ICSID Investment: Interests in a local bakery company.

Summary: Claims arising out of the bankruptcy of a Hungarian baking company in which the claimant had invested and the alleged mishandling by Hungary's authorities of an insolvency process.
Interests in a local bakery company. Decided in favour of investor Hungary Portugal Secondary: C - Manufacturing 10 - Manufacture of food products Mayer, P. - President

Paulsson, J. - Claimant (replaced)

Schill, S. - Claimant

Landau, T. - Respondent
47.90 mln EUR (54.50 mln USD) 5.20 mln EUR (6.20 mln USD) Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Full protection and security, or similar

Arbitrary, unreasonable and/or discriminatory measures

Indirect expropriation
Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Arbitrary, unreasonable and/or discriminatory measures
Decision on Jurisdiction and Liability dated 24 August 2015

Award dated 21 November 2017

Decision on Revision dated 25 February 2020
None ICSID annulment proceedings Award/decision upheld (ICSID annulment proceedings) Decision on Annulment dated 16 July 2021 (ICSID annulment proceedings) None Bull, C. - President

Crivellaro, A. - Member

Pinto, M. - Member
8 2012 Tenaris and Talta v. Venezuela (II) Tenaris S.A. and Talta - Trading e Marketing Sociedade Unipessoal Lda. v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (II) (ICSID Case No. ARB/12/23) Portugal - Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of BIT (1994)

BLEU (Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union) - Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of BIT (1998)
ICSID ICSID Investment: Shareholding in two Venezuelan companies involved in the steel sector, Tavsa and Comsigua.

Summary: Claims arising out of the expropriation of two Venezuelan companies in which the claimants had invested, the steel production company Tavsa and the hot briquetted iron producer Comsigua.
Shareholding in two Venezuelan companies involved in the steel sector, Tavsa and Comsigua. Decided in favour of investor Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Luxembourg

Secondary: C - Manufacturing 24 - Manufacture of basic metals Fernández-Armesto, J. - President

Gómez-Pinzón, E. - Claimant

Stern, B. - Respondent
243.70 mln USD 137.00 mln USD Direct expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Most-favoured nation treatment

Arbitrary, unreasonable and/or discriminatory measures
Direct expropriation Decision on the Respondents’ request to address the objections to jurisdiction as a preliminary question dated 15 January 2014

Award dated 12 December 2016
None ICSID annulment proceedings Award/decision upheld (ICSID annulment proceedings) Decision on Annulment dated 28 December 2018 (ICSID annulment proceedings) None Knieper, R. - President

Moreno Rodríguez, J. A. - Member

Pierola Castro, N. F. - Member

Jiménez Figueres, D. - Member (replaced)
9 2011 Tenaris and Talta v. Venezuela (I) Tenaris S.A. and Talta - Trading e Marketing Sociedade Unipessoal Lda v. Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela (I) (ICSID Case No. ARB/11/26) Portugal - Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of BIT (1994)

BLEU (Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union) - Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of BIT (1998)
ICSID ICSID Investment: Shareholding in a Venezuelan hot briquetted iron production plant.

Summary: Claims arising out of the expropriation of Matesi, claimants' Venezuelan subsidiary engaged in the production of hot briquetted iron.
Shareholding in a Venezuelan hot briquetted iron production plant. Decided in favour of investor Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic of Portugal

Secondary: C - Manufacturing 24 - Manufacture of basic metals Beechey, J. - President

Kessler, J. L. - Claimant

Landau, T. - Respondent
299.30 mln USD 87.30 mln USD Direct expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Full protection and security, or similar

Arbitrary, unreasonable and/or discriminatory measures
Direct expropriation Award dated 29 January 2016 None ICSID annulment proceedings Award/decision upheld (ICSID annulment proceedings) Decision on Annulment dated 8 August 2018 (English) (ICSID annulment proceedings)

Decision on Annulment dated 8 August 2018 (Spanish) (ICSID annulment proceedings)
None Rigo Sureda, A. - President

Fernández Arroyo, D. P. - Member

Cantuarias Salaverry, F. - Member