

NO. Year of initiation Short case name Full case name Applicable IIA Arbitral rules Administering institution Summary Details of investment Outcome of original proceedings Respondent State Home State of investor Economic sector Economic subsector Arbitrators Amount claimed Amount awarded (or settled for) Breaches alleged Breaches found Decisions Individual opinions Follow-on proceeding type Follow-on proceeding status Follow-on decisions Follow-on individual opinions ICSID annulment committee members
1 2024 Mashad v. Belarus Kiabod Tutunian Mashad v. Republic of Belarus (ICSID Case No. ARB/24/7) Belarus - United Kingdom BIT (1994) ICSID ICSID Investment: Investment in a solar power plant project via an indirect shareholding in locally incorporated company “Solar Land”.

Summary: Claims arising out of the Government’s alleged interference with a solar power plant project operated by locally incorporated company “Solar Land”, which allegedly resulted in the shutdown of the project and the bankruptcy of "Solar Land" in which the claimant holds indirect stakes. According to the claimant, the solar power plant was constructed and operated based on an investment agreement concluded by the claimant’s companies with public authorities.
Investment in a solar power plant project via an indirect shareholding in locally incorporated company “Solar Land”. Pending Belarus United Kingdom Tertiary: D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 35 - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Bull, C. - President

Pryles, M. C. - Claimant

Siqueiros, E. - Respondent
Data not available Data not available Data not available Pending Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available
2 2021 Pavilniu and Modus v. Belarus UAB Pavilniu saules slenis 14 and UAB Modus grupe v. Republic of Belarus (ICSID Case No. ARB/21/2) Belarus - Lithuania BIT (1999) ICSID ICSID Investment: Investment in a hotel construction project near the Minsk national airport.

Investment in a hotel construction project near the Minsk national airport. Decided in favour of State Belarus Lithuania Tertiary: F - Construction

Tertiary: I - Accommodation and food service activities
41 - Construction of buildings

55 - Accommodation
Bull, C. - President

Tonova, S. - Claimant

Malintoppi, L. - Respondent
9.00 mln USD Data not available Data not available None - all claims dismissed at the merits stage Award dated 5 December 2023 Separate Opinion by Sylvia Tonova None None None None None
3 2018 Delta Belarus v. Belarus Delta Belarus Holding BV v. Republic of Belarus (ICSID Case No. ARB/18/9) Belarus - Netherlands BIT (1995) ICSID ICSID Investment: Majority shareholding in JSC Delta Bank, a locally-incorporated financial institution.

Summary: Claims arising out of the revocation by the Central Bank of Belarus of Delta Bank’s operating licence, on the grounds that the bank was no longer meeting its obligations to depositors and creditors.
Majority shareholding in JSC Delta Bank, a locally-incorporated financial institution. Discontinued Belarus Netherlands Tertiary: K - Financial and insurance activities 64 - Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding Cremades, B. M. - President

Dohmann, B. - Claimant

Peter, W. - Respondent
Data not available Data not available Data not available Not applicable - settled or discontinued before decision on liability Order for the discontinuance of the proceeding for lack of payment of the required advances dated 3 June 2022 None None None None None None
4 2018 GRAND EXPRESS v. Belarus GRAND EXPRESS Non-Public Joint Stock Company v. Republic of Belarus (ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/18/1) Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union (2014)

Eurasian Investment Agreement (2008)
ICSID AF ICSID Investment: Participation in a joint venture to develop railcar manufacturing capacity in Belarus.

Participation in a joint venture to develop railcar manufacturing capacity in Belarus. Decided in favour of State Belarus Russian Federation Secondary: C - Manufacturing 30 - Manufacture of other transport equipment Lévy, L. - President

Alexandrov, S. A. - Claimant

Thomas, J. C. - Respondent
Data not available Data not available Data not available None - jurisdiction declined Award dated 25 January 2024 None None None None None None
5 2018 Manolium-Processing v. Belarus OOO Manolium-Processing v. The Republic of Belarus (PCA Case No. 2018-06) Treaty on the Eurasian Economic Union (2014) UNCITRAL PCA Investment: Contract concluded with the Government for the construction of buildings in Minsk and its outskirts.

Summary: Claims arising out of the Government’s termination of a 2003 investment agreement to develop land in Minsk for the construction of a luxury hotel, upon vacating the area from a trolley bus parking facility and rebuilding it on the city outskirts. Challenged measures also include the alleged confiscation of the relocated facility by the Government in order to cover a USD 20 million tax debt imposed on the claimant.
Contract concluded with the Government for the construction of buildings in Minsk and its outskirts. Decided in favour of investor Belarus Russian Federation Tertiary: F - Construction 41 - Construction of buildings Fernández-Armesto, J. - President

Alexandrov, S. A. - Claimant

Stern, B. - Respondent
176.30 mln USD 20.40 mln USD Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Indirect expropriation
Indirect expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims
Final Award dated 22 June 2021 None None None None None None
NO. Year of initiation Short case name Full case name Applicable IIA Arbitral rules Administering institution Summary Details of investment Outcome of original proceedings Respondent State Home State of investor Economic sector Economic subsector Arbitrators Amount claimed Amount awarded (or settled for) Breaches alleged Breaches found Decisions Individual opinions Follow-on proceeding type Follow-on proceeding status Follow-on decisions Follow-on individual opinions ICSID annulment committee members
1 2023 Belaruskali v. Lithuania OJSC Belaruskali v. The Republic of Lithuania (PCA Case No. 2024-03) Belarus - Lithuania BIT (1999) UNCITRAL PCA Investment: Investment in the transportation, storage and transshipment of chemical products.

Investment in the transportation, storage and transshipment of chemical products. Pending Lithuania Belarus Tertiary: H - Transportation and storage 49 - Land transport and transport via pipelines Kaufmann-Kohler, G. - President

Kettani, A. - Claimant

Douglas, Z. - Respondent
12.10 mln USD Data not available Data not available Pending Data not available Data not available None None None None None
2 2018 Nelin v. Cyprus Alexander Nelin v. Republic of Cyprus (ICSID Case No. ARB/18/41) Belarus - Cyprus BIT (1998) ICSID ICSID Investment:

Pending Cyprus Belarus Tertiary: K - Financial and insurance activities 64 - Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding Butler, W. E. - Claimant

Tanzi, A. M. - Respondent

Sharpe, J. K. - President
Data not available Data not available Data not available Pending None None None None None None None