

NO. Year of initiation Short case name Full case name Applicable IIA Arbitral rules Administering institution Summary Details of investment Outcome of original proceedings Respondent State Home State of investor Economic sector Economic subsector Arbitrators Amount claimed Amount awarded (or settled for) Breaches alleged Breaches found Decisions Individual opinions Follow-on proceeding type Follow-on proceeding status Follow-on decisions Follow-on individual opinions ICSID annulment committee members
1 2017 Puma Energy v. Benin Puma Energy Holdings SARL v. the Republic of Benin BLEU (Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union) - Benin BIT (2001) SCC SCC Investment: Investments in a fuels terminal acquired by local subsidiary Puma Benin.

Summary: Claims arising out of the decision of an appeals court in Benin that nullified Puma Benin’s purchase of a fuels terminal in Cotonou and ordered the claimant’s local subsidiary to pay approx. US$15 million in damages to a minority shareholder in the divesting company Benin Petroleum Services, as well as Benin’s alleged failure to comply with an emergency order rendered under the SCC Rules to prevent enforcement of the court decision.
Investments in a fuels terminal acquired by local subsidiary Puma Benin. Pending Benin Luxembourg Tertiary: H - Transportation and storage 49 - Land transport and transport via pipelines Kettani, A. - President

Sullivan, J. M. - Claimant

Youssef, K. A. - Respondent
Data not available Data not available Data not available Pending None None None None None None None