

NO. Year of initiation Short case name Full case name Applicable IIA Arbitral rules Administering institution Summary Details of investment Outcome of original proceedings Respondent State Home State of investor Economic sector Economic subsector Arbitrators Amount claimed Amount awarded (or settled for) Breaches alleged Breaches found Decisions Individual opinions Follow-on proceeding type Follow-on proceeding status Follow-on decisions Follow-on individual opinions ICSID annulment committee members
1 2021 Alamos Gold v. Turkey Alamos Gold Holdings Coöperatief U.A. and Alamos Gold Holdings B.V. v. Republic of Turkey (ICSID Case No. ARB/21/33) Netherlands - Turkey BIT (1986) ICSID ICSID Investment: Investments in the Kirazlı gold mine project in the Çanakkale province in Turkey.

Summary: Claims arising out of the Government’s alleged non-renewal of the claimants’ mining licences and related permits for the Kirazlı gold mine development project, resulting in the suspension of construction activities on the Kirazlı project.
Investments in the Kirazlı gold mine project in the Çanakkale province in Turkey. Pending Türkiye Netherlands Primary: B - Mining and quarrying 7 - Mining of metal ores Rowley, J. W. - Claimant

Douglas, Z. - Respondent

Glick, I. - President
1000.00 mln USD Data not available Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Indirect expropriation
Pending Data not available Data not available None None None None None
2 2021 Enel v. Türkiye Enel, S.p.A. v. Republic of Türkiye (ICSID Case No. ARB/21/61) Italy - Turkey BIT (1995) ICSID ICSID Investment: Investments in a renewable energy generation enterprise.

Investments in a renewable energy generation enterprise. Pending Türkiye Italy Tertiary: D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 35 - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Reinisch, A. - President

Rowley, J. W. - Claimant

Stern, B. - Respondent
Data not available Data not available Data not available Pending Data not available Data not available None None None None None
3 2020 Akfel and I-Systems v. Turkey Akfel Commodities Pte. Ltd. and I-Systems Global B.V. v. Republic of Turkey (ICSID Case No. ARB/20/36) Netherlands - Turkey BIT (1986)

Singapore - Turkey BIT (2008)
ICSID ICSID Investment: Investments in Akfel Group, a gas and power company, through a shareholding of 100% in Akfel Holding and of 50% in Akpol and ISystems Global B.V. (I-Systems Global), a company incorporated in Holland.

Investments in Akfel Group, a gas and power company, through a shareholding of 100% in Akfel Holding and of 50% in Akpol and ISystems Global B.V. (I-Systems Global), a company incorporated in Holland. Pending Türkiye Netherlands

Tertiary: D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 35 - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Garibaldi, O. M. - Claimant

Stern, B. - Respondent

Reinisch, A. - President
Data not available Data not available Data not available Pending None None None None None None None
4 2019 Aljarallah v. Turkey Waleed Aljarallah v. Republic of Turkey and TMSF (PCA Case No. 2020-04) Kuwait - Turkey BIT (2010) UNCITRAL PCA Investment: Shareholding of 4% in Aydinli Hazir Giyim Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., a clothing company.

Summary: Claims arising out of the alleged non-payment of profit shares to the claimant and his removal from the Board of Directors of Aydinli Hazir Giyim, following the company’s placing under the trusteeship of the Savings Deposit Insurance Fund (SDIF) of Turkey.
Shareholding of 4% in Aydinli Hazir Giyim Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., a clothing company. Pending Türkiye Kuwait Tertiary: G - Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 47 - Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Pending Data not available Data not available None None None None None
5 2018 Cascade Investments v. Turkey Cascade Investments NV v. Republic of Turkey (ICSID Case No. ARB/18/4) BLEU (Belgium-Luxembourg Economic Union) - Turkey BIT (1986) ICSID ICSID Investment: Shareholding of 99.94% in Cihan Medya Dağitim (CMD), a local newspaper distribution company.

Summary: Claims arising out of the Government’s measures in relation to the claimant’s newspaper distribution company, including charging the company’s general manager with terrorism and coup-plotting, seizing the company and placing it under State control.
Shareholding of 99.94% in Cihan Medya Dağitim (CMD), a local newspaper distribution company. Decided in favour of State Türkiye Belgium Tertiary: J - Information and communication 58 - Publishing activities Kalicki, J. E. - President

van den Berg, A. J. - Claimant

Paulsson, J. - Respondent
120.00 mln EUR (142.40 mln USD) Data not available Data not available None - jurisdiction declined Award dated 20 September 2021 None None None None None None
6 2018 Ipek v. Türkiye Ipek Investment Limited v. Republic of Türkiye (ICSID Case No. ARB/18/18) Turkey - United Kingdom BIT (1991) ICSID ICSID Investment: Shareholding of 100% in the Turkish company Koza-İpek Holding A.Ş., the owner of the Koza Group of companies.

Summary: Claims arising out of certain measures taken by the Government against the Koza Group of companies on the basis of their alleged involvement in financing terrorism, including the seizure of assets and the placement of Koza companies under the control of trustees.
Shareholding of 100% in the Turkish company Koza-İpek Holding A.Ş., the owner of the Koza Group of companies. Decided in favour of State Türkiye United Kingdom Primary: B - Mining and quarrying

Tertiary: J - Information and communication
6 - Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas

61 - Telecommunications
McLachlan, C. A. - President

Fortier, L. Y. - Claimant

Lévy, L. - Respondent
Data not available Data not available Data not available None - jurisdiction declined Award dated 8 December 2022 None None None None None None
7 2018 Westwater Resources v. Turkey Westwater Resources, Inc. v. Republic of Turkey (ICSID Case No. ARB/18/46) Turkey - United States of America BIT (1985) ICSID ICSID Investment: Licences for the exploration and development of two uranium mines, held by the local subsidiary Adur Madencilik Limited Sireketi.

Summary: Claims arising out of the Government’s revocation of seven exploration and operating licences for the Temrezli and Sefaatli uranium mining projects, allegedly due to the creation of a state monopoly over uranium mining activities in the country.
Licences for the exploration and development of two uranium mines, held by the local subsidiary Adur Madencilik Limited Sireketi. Decided in favour of investor Türkiye United States of America Primary: B - Mining and quarrying 7 - Mining of metal ores Binnie, I. - President

Volterra, R. - Claimant

Stern, B. - Respondent
36.50 mln USD 1.30 mln USD Direct expropriation

Indirect expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims
Indirect expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims
Award dated 3 March 2023

Decision on the Rectification of the Award dated 27 July 2023
None None None None None None
8 2015 Nabucco v. Turkey Nabucco Gas Pipeline International GmbH in Liqu. v. Republic of Turkey (ICSID Case No. ARB/15/26) Austria - Turkey BIT (1988)

The Energy Charter Treaty (1994)
ICSID ICSID Investment: Rights under a contract for the construction and operation of a major natural gas pipeline Nabucco, which was intended to enable gas transit from the Caspian Sea to Europe.

Summary: Claims arising out of the cancellation of a contract for the construction and operation of a major natural gas pipeline Nabucco.
Rights under a contract for the construction and operation of a major natural gas pipeline Nabucco, which was intended to enable gas transit from the Caspian Sea to Europe. Settled Türkiye Austria Tertiary: D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply

Primary: B - Mining and quarrying
35 - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply

6 - Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas
Tribunal not constituted Data not available Data not available Data not available Not applicable - settled or discontinued before decision on liability Order of the Secretary-General Taking Note of the Discontinuance of the Proceeding dated 5 November 2015 None None None None None None
9 2014 Uzan v. Turkey Cem Cenzig Uzan v. Republic of Turkey (SCC Case No. 2014/023) The Energy Charter Treaty (1994) SCC SCC Investment: Rights under electricity concessions held by claimant's companies ÇEAŞ and Kepez.

Summary: Claims arising out of the alleged termination by the Government of electricity concessions held by the claimant, as well as the seizure of the assets owned by claimant's electricity companies.
Rights under electricity concessions held by claimant's companies ÇEAŞ and Kepez. Decided in favour of State Türkiye France

United Kingdom
Tertiary: D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 35 - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Cremades, B. M. - President

Carreau, D. - Claimant

Sands, P. - Respondent
2500.00 mln USD Data not available Data not available None - jurisdiction declined Award on Respondent’s Bifurcated Preliminary Objection dated 20 April 2016 Declaration of Philippe Sands Judicial review by national courts Award/decision upheld (Judicial review by national courts) Judgment of the Svea Court of Appeal dated 2018 (Judicial review by national courts) None None
10 2011 Tulip Real Estate v. Turkey Tulip Real Estate Investment and Development Netherlands B.V. v. Republic of Turkey (ICSID Case No. ARB/11/28) Netherlands - Turkey BIT (1986) ICSID ICSID Investment: Majority shareholding in local investment vehicle that held rights under a license to complete a real estate development project in Turkey; loans; "direct out-of-pocket expenses"; performance bond.

Summary: Claims arising out of the alleged Government's termination of a mixed-use residential and commercial real estate development project in Istanbul, known as Ispartakule III, in which the claimant held interests.
Majority shareholding in local investment vehicle that held rights under a license to complete a real estate development project in Turkey; loans; "direct out-of-pocket expenses"; performance bond. Decided in favour of State Türkiye Netherlands Tertiary: L - Real estate activities 68 - Real estate activities Griffith, G. - President

Jaffe, M. E. - Claimant

Knieper, R. - Respondent
450.00 mln USD Data not available Indirect expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Full protection and security, or similar

Umbrella clause

National treatment

None - all claims dismissed at the merits stage Award dated 10 March 2014

Decision on Bifurcated Jurisdictional Issue dated 5 March 2013
Separate Opinion of Michael Evan Jaffe on the Question of Attribution Under Art 8, ILC Articles (Award) ICSID annulment proceedings Award/decision upheld (ICSID annulment proceedings) Decision on Annulment dated 30 December 2015 (ICSID annulment proceedings) None Tomka, P. - President

Booth, C. - Member

Schreuer, C. H. - Member
11 2008 Alapli v. Turkey Alapli Elektrik B.V. v. Republic of Turkey (ICSID Case No. ARB/08/13) The Energy Charter Treaty (1994)

Netherlands - Turkey BIT (1986)
ICSID ICSID Investment: Rights under a concession agreement for electricity generation concluded between a Turkish Ministry and a company that later assigned its rights to another company in which the claimant had acquired shares.

Summary: Claims arising out of a concession to develop, finance, construct, own, operate and transfer a combined cycle power plant in Turkey and a number of legislative changes in 2000 concerning infrastructure projects in Turkey.
Rights under a concession agreement for electricity generation concluded between a Turkish Ministry and a company that later assigned its rights to another company in which the claimant had acquired shares. Decided in favour of State Türkiye Netherlands Tertiary: D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 35 - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Park, W. W. - President

Lalonde, M. - Claimant

Stern, B. - Respondent
100.00 mln USD Data not available Indirect expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Full protection and security, or similar

Umbrella clause
None - jurisdiction declined Award dated 16 July 2012 Dissenting Opinion of Marc Lalonde (Award) ICSID annulment proceedings Award/decision upheld (ICSID annulment proceedings) Decision on Annulment dated 10 July 2014 (ICSID annulment proceedings) None Hanotiau, B. - President

Böckstiegel, K.-H. - Member

Khan, M. A. - Member
12 2007 Europe Cement v. Turkey Europe Cement Investment and Trade S.A. v. Republic of Turkey (ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/07/2) The Energy Charter Treaty (1994) ICSID AF ICSID Investment: Minority shareholding in two Turkish utilities companies that had concluded electricity concession agreements with the Turkish Ministry of Energy.

Summary: Claims arising out of the seizure of two Turkish utility companies, Cukarova Elektrik Anonim Sirketi and Kepez Elektrik Turk Anonim Sirketi, in respect of which the claimant held shares and the cancellation of electricity generation and distribution concession agreements between the latter two entities and Turkey.
Minority shareholding in two Turkish utilities companies that had concluded electricity concession agreements with the Turkish Ministry of Energy. Decided in favour of State Türkiye Poland Tertiary: D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 35 - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply McRae, D. M. - President

Lew, J. D. M. - Claimant

Lévy, L. - Respondent
3800.00 mln USD Data not available Indirect expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims
None - jurisdiction declined Award dated 13 August 2009 None None None None None None
13 2007 Saba Fakes v. Turkey Saba Fakes v. Republic of Turkey (ICSID Case No. ARB/07/20) Netherlands - Turkey BIT (1986) ICSID ICSID Investment: Majority shareholding in the Turkish telecommunications company Telsim.

Summary: Claims arising out of the receivership and the alleged subsequent forced sale by Turkish authorities of assets held by Telsim, a major mobile phone company in which the claimant had invested.
Majority shareholding in the Turkish telecommunications company Telsim. Decided in favour of State Türkiye Netherlands Tertiary: J - Information and communication 61 - Telecommunications Gaillard, E. - President

van Houtte, H. - Claimant

Lévy, L. - Respondent
19000.00 mln USD Data not available Indirect expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Full protection and security, or similar

Transfer of funds

Arbitrary, unreasonable and/or discriminatory measures

None - jurisdiction declined Decision on Preliminary Issues dated 6 October 2008

Award dated 14 July 2010
None None None None None None
14 2006 Cementownia v. Turkey (I) Cementownia “Nowa Huta” S.A. v. Republic of Turkey (I) (ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/06/2) The Energy Charter Treaty (1994) ICSID AF ICSID Investment: Shareholding in two Turkish hydroelectric companies, Cukurova Elektrik A.S. and Kepez Elektrik Türk A.S., that had concluded concession agreements with the Government for the generation, transmission, distribution and marketing of electricity.

Summary: Claims arising out of the alleged unilateral termination of certain concession agreements by the Turkish government, followed by the alleged seizure and expropriation of assets of the two hydroelectric plants in which the claimant had invested without compensation.
Shareholding in two Turkish hydroelectric companies, Cukurova Elektrik A.S. and Kepez Elektrik Türk A.S., that had concluded concession agreements with the Government for the generation, transmission, distribution and marketing of electricity. Decided in favour of State Türkiye Poland Tertiary: D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 35 - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Tercier, P. - President

Lalonde, M. - Claimant

Thomas, J. C. - Respondent
4648.00 mln USD Data not available Direct expropriation

Full protection and security, or similar

Arbitrary, unreasonable and/or discriminatory measures
None - jurisdiction declined Award dated 17 September 2009 None None None None None None
15 2006 Cementownia v. Turkey (II) Cementownia “Nowa Huta” S.A. (Poland) and Polska Energetyka Holding S.A. (Poland) v. Republic of Turkey (II) Poland - Turkey BIT (1991) UNCITRAL None Investment: Ownership of several assets and companies formerly owned by members of the Uzan family.

Summary: Claims arising out of the alleged expropriation by Turkey Savings Deposit Insurance Fund of several assets and companies formerly owned by members of the Uzan family, as part of Turkey's fraud case against such family and in an effort to satisfy creditors of an Uzan-owned financial institution, Imar Bank.
Ownership of several assets and companies formerly owned by members of the Uzan family. Discontinued Türkiye Poland Tertiary: K - Financial and insurance activities 64 - Financial service activities, except insurance and pension funding Williams, D. A. R. - President

Brower, C. N. - Claimant

Mayer, P. - Respondent
4800.00 mln USD Data not available Data not available Not applicable - settled or discontinued before decision on liability Award dated 2009 None None None None None None
16 2006 Libananco v. Turkey Libananco Holdings Co. Limited v. Republic of Turkey (ICSID Case No. ARB/06/8) The Energy Charter Treaty (1994) ICSID ICSID Investment: Shareholding in two Turkish utilities companies that had concluded electricity concession agreements with the Turkish Ministry of Energy.

Summary: Claims arising out of the seizure of two Turkish utility companies, Cukarova Elektrik Anonim Sirketi and Kepez Elektrik Turk Anonim Sirketi, in respect of which Libananco held shares and the cancellation of electricity generation and distribution concession agreements between the latter two entities and Turkey.
Shareholding in two Turkish utilities companies that had concluded electricity concession agreements with the Turkish Ministry of Energy. Decided in favour of State Türkiye Cyprus Tertiary: D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 35 - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Hwang, M. - President

Álvarez, H. C. - Claimant

Berman, F. - Respondent
10000.00 mln USD Data not available Direct expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Full protection and security, or similar

Umbrella clause

Arbitrary, unreasonable and/or discriminatory measures
None - jurisdiction declined Decision on Preliminary Issues dated 23 June 2008

Award dated 2 September 2011
None ICSID annulment proceedings Award/decision upheld (ICSID annulment proceedings) Decision on Applicant's Request for Provisional Measures dated 7 May 2012 (ICSID annulment proceedings)

Decision on Applicant's Request for a Continued Stay of Enforcement of the Award dated 7 May 2012 (ICSID annulment proceedings)

Decision on Annulment dated 23 May 2013 (ICSID annulment proceedings)
None Rigo Sureda, A. - President

Danelius, H. - Member

Silva Romero, E. - Member
17 2004 Motorola v. Turkey Motorola Credit Corporation, Inc. v. Republic of Turkey (ICSID Case No. ARB/04/21) Turkey - United States of America BIT (1985) ICSID ICSID Investment: Direct creditor of loans totalling over USD 2 billion to local company engaged in providing cellular telecommunications network.

Summary: Claims arising out of the Government’s take-over of the telecommunications firm Telsim in which the claimant had invested, and the enactment of legislation ordering the firm's sale and placing Turkey's own financial claims against the telecoms firm ahead of those of the claimant.
Direct creditor of loans totalling over USD 2 billion to local company engaged in providing cellular telecommunications network. Settled Türkiye United States of America Tertiary: J - Information and communication 61 - Telecommunications Álvarez, H. C. - President

Paulsson, J. - Claimant

Mayer, P. - Respondent
2000.00 mln USD 500.00 mln USD Direct expropriation Not applicable - settled or discontinued before decision on liability Order taking note of the discontinuance issued by the Tribunal dated 21 November 2005, pursuant to Arbitration Rule 43(1) None None None None None None
18 2002 PSEG v. Turkey PSEG Global Inc. and Konya Ilgin Elektrik Üretim ve Ticaret Limited Sirketi v. Republic of Turkey (ICSID Case No. ARB/02/5) Turkey - United States of America BIT (1985) ICSID ICSID Investment: Rights under a concession agreement for the construction of a thermal power plant; assets of project company, including associated intangible property, licenses and permits.

Summary: Claims arising out of several disagreements concerning a concession contract entered into with the government for the construction of an agnite-fired thermal power plant, as well as subsequent measures adopted by the respondent such as preventing the claimant from obtaining certain necessary treasury guarantee for the project.
Rights under a concession agreement for the construction of a thermal power plant; assets of project company, including associated intangible property, licenses and permits. Decided in favour of investor Türkiye United States of America Tertiary: D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 35 - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Orrego Vicuña, F. - President

Fortier, L. Y. - Claimant

Kaufmann-Kohler, G. - Respondent
224.00 mln USD 9.00 mln USD Indirect expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Full protection and security, or similar

Umbrella clause

Arbitrary, unreasonable and/or discriminatory measures
Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims Decision on Jurisdiction dated 4 June 2004

Award dated 19 January 2007
None None None None None None
NO. Year of initiation Short case name Full case name Applicable IIA Arbitral rules Administering institution Summary Details of investment Outcome of original proceedings Respondent State Home State of investor Economic sector Economic subsector Arbitrators Amount claimed Amount awarded (or settled for) Breaches alleged Breaches found Decisions Individual opinions Follow-on proceeding type Follow-on proceeding status Follow-on decisions Follow-on individual opinions ICSID annulment committee members
1 2024 Kent Kart v. Serbia Kent Kart Anadolu Elektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi, Kent Kart Ege Elektronik Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi and Kentkart Global Elektronik Anonim Şirketi v. Republic of Serbia (ICSID Case No. ARB/24/10) Serbia - Turkey BIT (2001) ICSID ICSID Investment: Contract with a municipal authority for transportation fare collection services in Belgrade.

Summary: Claims arising out of a municipal authority’s alleged wrongful termination of a contract with the claimants for the operation and maintenance of public transport ticket services under a public-private partnership agreement.
Contract with a municipal authority for transportation fare collection services in Belgrade. Pending Serbia Türkiye Tertiary: H - Transportation and storage 52 - Warehousing and support activities for transportation Name not available - President

Babić, D. - Claimant

Thomas, J. C. - Respondent
17.00 mln USD Data not available Indirect expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Umbrella clause
Pending Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available
2 2024 Lotus v. Turkmenistan (II) Lotus Proje Akaryakıt Enerji Madencilik Telekominikasyon İnşaat Sanayi Taah. Ve Tic. A.Ş. v. Turkmenistan (II) (ICSID Case No. ARB/24/13) The Energy Charter Treaty (1994) ICSID ICSID Investment:

Pending Turkmenistan Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 42 - Civil engineering Name not available - President

Greenwood, L. - Claimant

Townsend, J. M. - Respondent
Data not available Data not available Data not available Pending Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available
3 2023 Güriş v. Saudi Arabia Güriş İnşaat ve Mühendislik Anonim Şirketi v. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (ICSID Case No. ARB/23/36) Saudi Arabia - Turkey BIT (2006) ICSID ICSID Investment:

Pending Saudi Arabia Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 42 - Civil engineering Sader, N. - President

Schill, S. - Claimant

Hafez, K. - Respondent
Data not available Data not available Data not available Pending Data not available Data not available None None None None None
4 2022 Ozkartallar and Campak v. Pakistan Ozkartallar Inşaat Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S. and Campak Temizlik Bilgi Işlem Otomasyon Saglik Hizmetleri Iletişim Sanayi Ve Ticaret A.S. v. Islamic Republic of Pakistan (ICSID Case No. ARB/22/16) Pakistan - Turkey BIT (1995) ICSID ICSID Investment: Rights under a contract for waste management services concluded with state-owned Lahore Waste Management Company.

Rights under a contract for waste management services concluded with state-owned Lahore Waste Management Company. Settled Pakistan Türkiye Tertiary: E - Water supply; sewerage, waste management and remediation activities 36 - Water collection, treatment and supply Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Not applicable - settled or discontinued before decision on liability Order taking note of the discontinuance of the proceeding pursuant to ICSID Arbitration Rule 43(1) dated 13 December 2023 None None None None None None
5 2021 Bayındır v. Pakistan (II) Bayındır İnşaat Turizm Ticaret ve Sanayi A.Ş. v. Islamic Republic of Pakistan (II) (ICSID Case No. ARB/21/48) Pakistan - Turkey BIT (1995) ICSID ICSID Investment: Highway construction contract to build a six-lane motorway (the Islamabad-Peshawar Motorway Project) entered into with an agency of the Pakistani government.

Highway construction contract to build a six-lane motorway (the Islamabad-Peshawar Motorway Project) entered into with an agency of the Pakistani government. Pending Pakistan Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 42 - Civil engineering Fernández-Armesto, J. - President

Hobér, K. - Claimant

Thomas, J. C. - Respondent
Data not available Data not available Data not available Pending Data not available Data not available None None None None None
6 2021 GAMA v. North Macedonia GAMA Güç Sistemleri Mühendislik ve Taahhüt A.Ş. v. Republic of North Macedonia (ICC Case No. 26696/HBH) Macedonia, The former Yugoslav Republic of - Turkey BIT (1995) ICC ICC Investment:

Pending North Macedonia Türkiye Tertiary: D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 35 - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Name not available - President

Name not available - Claimant

Name not available - Respondent
Data not available Data not available Data not available Pending Data not available Data not available None None None None None
7 2021 Imeks Insaat v. Turkmenistan Imeks Insaat Makina Elektrik Konstrüksiyon Sanayi Limited Sirketi v. Turkmenistan (ICSID Case No. ARB/21/23) Turkey - Turkmenistan BIT (1992) ICSID ICSID Investment:

Pending Turkmenistan Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 41 - Construction of buildings Schill, S. - Claimant

Bottini, G. - Respondent (replaced)

Greenwood, C. - President

Knieper, R. - Respondent (replaced)

Vicien-Milburn, M. - Respondent
Data not available Data not available Data not available Pending Data not available Data not available None None None None None
8 2021 Obuz and others v. Uzbekistan Mehmet Zeki Obuz, Sevde Yilmaz, Huriye Obuz and others v. Republic of Uzbekistan (ICSID Case No. ARB/21/32) Turkey - Uzbekistan BIT (1992) ICSID ICSID Investment:

Pending Uzbekistan Türkiye Tertiary: G - Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 47 - Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles Schwartz, E. - Claimant

Khan, M. A. - Respondent

Boo, L. - President
Data not available Data not available Data not available Pending Data not available Data not available None None None None None
9 2021 Visor Mühendislik and Arasli v. Turkmenistan Visor Mühendislik Insaat Turizm Gida ve Mekanik Elektrik Taahhüt Ticaret Limited Sirketi and Gökhan Arasli v. Turkmenistan (ICSID Case No. ARB/21/20) Turkey - Turkmenistan BIT (1992) ICSID ICSID Investment:

Discontinued Turkmenistan Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 41 - Construction of buildings Tribunal not constituted Data not available Data not available Data not available Not applicable - settled or discontinued before decision on liability Order taking note of the discontinuance of the proceeding pursuant to ICSID Arbitration Rule 44 dated 7 February 2022 None None None None None None
10 2020 Fin.Doc and others v. Romania Fin.Doc S.r.l., Domenica Gazineo, En.Doc S.r.l. and others v. Romania (ICSID Case No. ARB/20/35) The Energy Charter Treaty (1994) ICSID ICSID Investment: Investments in photovoltaic power plants in Romania.

Summary: Claims arising out of certain changes to Romania’s incentive scheme for investments in the renewable energy sector.
Investments in photovoltaic power plants in Romania. Pending Romania Cyprus






Tertiary: D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 35 - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Spigelman, J. - Claimant

McRae, D. M. - Respondent

Reed, L. - President
Data not available Data not available Data not available Pending None None None None None None None
11 2020 Özer and Dirlik v. Libya Mustafa Orhan Özer and Nurettin Mendost Dirlik v. Libya Libya - Turkey BIT (2009)

OIC Investment Agreement (1981)
UNCITRAL Data not available Investment: Investments in construction projects.

Summary: Claims arising out of the alleged expropriation of the claimants’ construction projects in Libya.
Investments in construction projects. Pending Libya Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 41 - Construction of buildings Kaufmann-Kohler, G. - President

Harb, J.-P. - Claimant

Thomas, J. C. - Respondent

Hafez, K. - Claimant (replaced)
Data not available Data not available Data not available Pending None None None None None None None
12 2020 Setta Insaat v. Turkmenistan Setta Insaat Taahhüt Turz. Tekstil Gida San. Ve Tic. AS v. Turkmenistan (ICSID Case No. ARB/20/32) Turkey - Turkmenistan BIT (1992) ICSID ICSID Investment: Investments in several construction projects in Turkmenistan based on contracts with state entities.

Summary: Claims arising out of the Government’s alleged interference with the claimant’s construction projects, including the seizure of the claimant’s machinery and equipment and its ownership rights over certain facilities.
Investments in several construction projects in Turkmenistan based on contracts with state entities. Discontinued Turkmenistan Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 41 - Construction of buildings Tribunal not constituted 27.00 mln USD Data not available Data not available Not applicable - settled or discontinued before decision on liability Order taking note of the discontinuance of the proceeding pursuant to ICSID Arbitration Rule 43(1) dated 22 November 2021 None None None None None None
13 2019 Akgun Insaat v. Ethiopia Akgun Insaat Makina Sanayii ve Dis Ticaret Ltd. Sti. v. Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (PCA Case No. 2020-08) Ethiopia - Turkey BIT (2000) UNCITRAL PCA Investment:

Pending Ethiopia Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 41 - Construction of buildings Hwang, M. - President

Williams, D. A. R. - Claimant

McConnaughay, P. - Respondent
Data not available Data not available Data not available Pending Data not available Data not available None None None None None
14 2019 DSG v. Saudi Arabia DSG Yapi Sanayi Ticaret Anonim Sirketi v. Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (ICSID Case No. ARB/19/32) Saudi Arabia - Turkey BIT (2006) ICSID ICSID Investment: Investments in a project for the construction of schools.

Investments in a project for the construction of schools. Discontinued Saudi Arabia Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 41 - Construction of buildings Drymer, S. L. - President (replaced)

Kaplan, N. - President

Pryles, M. C. - Claimant

Mayer, P. - Respondent
Data not available Data not available Data not available Not applicable - settled or discontinued before decision on liability Order taking note of the discontinuance of the proceeding pursuant to ICSID Arbitration Rule 43(1) dated 15 December 2022 None None None None None None
15 2018 Ersoy v. Azerbaijan Cem Selçuk Ersoy v. Republic of Azerbaijan (ICSID Case No. ARB/18/6) Azerbaijan - Turkey BIT (1994) ICSID ICSID Investment: Ownership of a locally-incorporated company that held contracts for the construction of two water and sewage collector tunnels in Baku.

Summary: Claims arising out of Azerbaijani water and tax authorities’ alleged unfair treatment and indirect expropriation of the claimant’s investment in a tunnel construction project.
Ownership of a locally-incorporated company that held contracts for the construction of two water and sewage collector tunnels in Baku. Settled Azerbaijan Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 42 - Civil engineering Shore, L. - President

Zuleta, E. - President (replaced)

Petrochilos, G. - Claimant

Kalicki, J. E. - Respondent
60.00 mln USD Data not available Data not available Not applicable - settled or discontinued before decision on liability Order taking note of the discontinuance of the proceeding pursuant to ICSID Arbitration Rule 43(1) dated 2 March 2020 None None None None None None
16 2018 SECE v. Turkmenistan SECE İnşaat ve Ticaret A.Ş. v. Turkmenistan (ICSID Case No. ARB/18/34) Turkey - Turkmenistan BIT (1992) ICSID ICSID Investment: Contracts for the construction of residential and government buildings.

Summary: Claims arising out of the Government’s termination of construction contracts with the claimant, non-payment of fees and harassment of the claimant’s employees, including by means of travel bans.
Contracts for the construction of residential and government buildings. Discontinued Turkmenistan Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 41 - Construction of buildings Collins, L. - President

Johnson, O. T. - Claimant

Douglas, Z. - Respondent
Data not available Data not available Data not available Not applicable - settled or discontinued before decision on liability Order taking note of the discontinuance of the proceeding for lack of payment of the required advances dated 8 August 2022 None None None None None None
17 2017 BM Mühendislik v. United Arab Emirates BM Mühendislik ve İnşaat A.Ş. v. United Arab Emirates (ICSID Case No. ARB/17/20) Turkey - United Arab Emirates BIT (2005) ICSID ICSID Investment:

Data not available United Arab Emirates Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 42 - Civil engineering Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Award dated 23 December 2022 Concurring and Dissenting Opinion by Charles N. Brower None None None None None
18 2017 Bursel Tekstil and others v. Uzbekistan Bursel Tekstil Sanayi Ve Diş Ticaret A.Ş., Burhan Enuştekin and Selim Kaptanoğlu v. Republic of Uzbekistan (ICSID Case No. ARB/17/24) Turkey - Uzbekistan BIT (1992) ICSID ICSID Investment: Investments in three cotton textile plants.

Summary: Claims arising out of the Government’s alleged failure to uphold promises made to the claimants, including the right to buy cotton at discounted prices and the exemption from value-added tax on export products, which allegedly led to the bankruptcy of the claimants’ companies.
Investments in three cotton textile plants. Pending Uzbekistan Türkiye Secondary: C - Manufacturing 13 - Manufacture of textiles Lowe, V. - President

Hanotiau, B. - Claimant

Stern, B. - Respondent
Data not available Data not available Data not available Pending Decision on Preliminary Objections and Provisional Measures dated 22 April 2020 None None None None None None
19 2017 Lotus v. Turkmenistan (I) Lotus Holding Anonim Şirketi v. Turkmenistan (I) (ICSID Case No. ARB/17/30) Turkey - Turkmenistan BIT (1992)

The Energy Charter Treaty (1994)
ICSID ICSID Investment: Investments in two electric power plants and a refinery.

Summary: Claims arising out of the Government’s alleged failure to make a retention payment for the construction of two 254-megawatt electric power plants, and of unlawfully terminating the agreement relating to the refinery.
Investments in two electric power plants and a refinery. Decided in favour of State Turkmenistan Türkiye Secondary: C - Manufacturing

Tertiary: D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
19 - Manufacture of coke and refined petroleum products

35 - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply
Lowe, V. - President

Boykin, J. H. - Claimant

Stern, B. - Respondent
66.20 mln EUR (71.50 mln USD) Data not available Indirect expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Umbrella clause

National treatment

Most-favoured nation treatment
None - jurisdiction declined Award dated 6 April 2020 None None None None None None
20 2017 Prens Turizm v. Egypt Prens Turizm Kuyumculuk Tasimacilik ve Dis Ticaret Limited v. Arab Republic of Egypt (PCA Case No. 2018-43) Egypt - Turkey BIT (1996) UNCITRAL PCA Investment: Investments in tourism activities.

Summary: Claims arising out of the Government’s alleged failure to put in place security systems at the Sharm el Sheikh airport compliant with international standards, related to the 2015 crash of an international chartered passenger flight (Metrojet Flight 9268) operated by a Russian airline. According to the claimant, this caused economic harm to its travel agency and tour operator activities with Russian tourists in Egypt.
Investments in tourism activities. Decided in favour of State Egypt Türkiye Tertiary: N - Administrative and support service activities 79 - Travel agency, tour operator, reservation service and related activities Greenwood, C. - President

Hobe, S. - Claimant

Thomas, J. C. - Respondent
94.00 mln USD Data not available Data not available None - jurisdiction declined Award dated 18 March 2021 None None None None None None
21 2017 Ustay v. Libya Ustay Yapi Taahhut ve Ticaret AS v. Libya Libya - Turkey BIT (2009) ICC ICC Investment:

Pending Libya Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 42 - Civil engineering Brower, C. N. - Claimant

Vinuesa, R. E. - Respondent

Cheng, T. - President (replaced)

Thambiayah, A. J. - President
61.00 mln USD Data not available Data not available Pending Decision on Jurisdiction dated 2020 None Judicial review by national courts Pending (Judicial review by national courts) None None None
22 2017 Vardan v. Libya Muhterem Vardan v. State of Libya Libya - Turkey BIT (2009) ICC ICC Investment: Shareholding of 98% in Çukurova İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., a company holding contracts for the construction of residential units, public facilities and infrastructure in Libya.

Summary: Claims arising out of the Government’s alleged failure to protect construction projects undertaken by claimant’s company Çukurova İnşaat under contracts with a Libyan entity.
Shareholding of 98% in Çukurova İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş., a company holding contracts for the construction of residential units, public facilities and infrastructure in Libya. Discontinued Libya Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 41 - Construction of buildings Data not available 69.00 mln USD Data not available Data not available Not applicable - settled or discontinued before decision on liability Final Award dated 10 October 2019 None None None None None None
23 2016 Attila Doğan v. Oman Attila Doğan Construction & Installation Co. Inc. v. Sultanate of Oman (ICSID Case No. ARB/16/7) Oman - Turkey BIT (2007) ICSID ICSID Investment: Engineering and construction concession contract for an oil and gas project with the State-owned company Petroleum Development of Oman LLC.

Summary: Claims arising out of the Government’s alleged frustration of investments related to an engineering and construction contract concluded by the claimant with Petroleum Development of Oman, a majority State-owned company, after winning the tender. According to the claimant, authorities delayed or prevented the entry of its qualified foreign personnel into Oman and required the claimant to hire additional Omani nationals from a local construction company. Petroleum Development of Oman later redistributed 60 per cent of the contract work to the previous local contract-holder and eventually terminated the contract in favour of the latter and other contractors.
Engineering and construction concession contract for an oil and gas project with the State-owned company Petroleum Development of Oman LLC. Data not available Oman Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 42 - Civil engineering Beechey, J. - President

de Boisséson, M. - Claimant

Landau, T. - Respondent
182.80 mln USD Data not available Data not available Data not available Award dated 1 February 2021 Dissenting Opinion by Matthieu de Boisséson ICSID annulment proceedings Pending (ICSID annulment proceedings) None None Reinisch, A. - President

Sepúlveda Amor, B. - Member

Cooper-Rousseau, B. - Member
24 2016 Cengiz v. Libya Cengiz İnşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.S. v. Libya (ICC Case No. 21537/ZF/AYZ) Libya - Turkey BIT (2009) ICC ICC Investment: Contracts with a state-owned company for the construction of several infrastructure projects.

Summary: Claims arising out of the Government’s alleged actions and omissions during the civil war in Libya, which resulted in the destruction of the claimant’s construction sites.
Contracts with a state-owned company for the construction of several infrastructure projects. Decided in favour of investor Libya Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 42 - Civil engineering Fernández-Armesto, J. - President

Mayer, P. - Claimant

Khairallah, G. - Respondent
302.60 mln USD 51.20 mln USD Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Full protection and security, or similar

Losses sustained due to insurrection, war, or similar events
Full protection and security, or similar Award dated 7 November 2018 None Judicial review by national courts Award/decision upheld (Judicial review by national courts) Judgment of the Paris Court of Appeal dated 25 May 2021 (Judicial review by national courts) None None
25 2016 Etrak v. Libya Etrak İnşaat Taahut ve Ticaret Anonim Sirketi v. State of Libya (ICC Case No. 22236/ZF/AYZ) Libya - Turkey BIT (2009) ICC ICC Investment: Investments in construction projects.

Summary: Claims arising out of the government’s non-payment of compensation under a 2013 settlement agreement with the claimant related to various constructions projects.
Investments in construction projects. Decided in favour of investor Libya Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 41 - Construction of buildings Hobér, K. - President

Townsend, J. M. - Claimant

Kalicki, J. E. - Respondent
23.10 mln USD 21.90 mln USD Indirect expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Umbrella clause
Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims Final Award dated 22 July 2019 None Judicial review by national courts Award/decision upheld (Judicial review by national courts) Judgment of the Swiss Federal Tribunal dated 2 November 2020 (German) (Judicial review by national courts) None None
26 2016 Görkem Inşaat v. Turkmenistan Görkem Inşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi v. Turkmenistan (ICSID Case No. ARB/16/30) Turkey - Turkmenistan BIT (1992) ICSID ICSID Investment: Investments in the construction of a shopping and trade center.

Summary: Claims arising out of the Government’s alleged non-payment under a contract for the construction of a shopping mall.
Investments in the construction of a shopping and trade center. Settled Turkmenistan Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 41 - Construction of buildings Boykin, J. H. - Claimant

Douglas, Z. - Respondent

Annacker, C. - President
10.00 mln USD Data not available Data not available Not applicable - settled or discontinued before decision on liability Order Taking Note of the Discontinuance of the Proceeding dated 12 December 2017 None None None None None None
27 2016 Güriş and Yamantürk v. Syria Idris Yamantürk, Tevfik Yamantürk, Musfik Hamdi Yamantürk, and Güriş İnşaat ve Mühendislik A.Ş. (Guris Construction and Engineering Inc.) v. Syrian Arab Republic (ICC Case No. 21845/ZF/AYZ) Syrian Arab Republic - Turkey BIT (2004) ICC ICC Investment: Majority shareholding in two cement companies, Güriş Raqqa Cement Company (91%) and Hasakah Cement LLC (87%), incorporated in Syria.

Majority shareholding in two cement companies, Güriş Raqqa Cement Company (91%) and Hasakah Cement LLC (87%), incorporated in Syria. Decided in favour of investor Syrian Arab Republic Türkiye Secondary: C - Manufacturing 23 - Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products Petrochilos, G. - President

Brower, C. N. - Claimant

Ziadé, N. - Respondent
88.40 mln USD 4505.00 mln SYP (21.00 mln USD) Indirect expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Full protection and security, or similar

Most-favoured nation treatment

Losses sustained due to insurrection, war, or similar events
Most-favoured nation treatment

Losses sustained due to insurrection, war, or similar events
Final Award dated 31 August 2020 Partial Dissenting Opinion of Nassib Ziadé Judicial review by national courts Award/decision upheld (Judicial review by national courts) Judgment of the Swiss Federal Tribunal dated 8 April 2021 (French) (Judicial review by national courts)

Judgment of the Swiss Federal Tribunal dated 8 April 2021 (Unofficial English translation) (Judicial review by national courts)
None None
28 2016 Güriş v. Libya Güriş İnşaat ve Mühendislik A.Ş. v. Libya (ICC Case No. 22137/ZF/AYZ) Libya - Turkey BIT (2009) ICC ICC Investment:

Decided in favour of neither party (liability found but no damages awarded) Libya Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 41 - Construction of buildings Tercier, P. - President

Sachs, K. - Claimant

Landau, T. - Respondent
118.80 mln EUR (133.70 mln USD) Data not available Indirect expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Full protection and security, or similar

Umbrella clause

Losses sustained due to insurrection, war, or similar events
Indirect expropriation

Full protection and security, or similar
Partial Award dated 4 February 2020

Final Award dated 23 November 2021
None Judicial review by national courts Award/decision upheld (Judicial review by national courts) Judgment of the Paris Court of Appeal dated 19 December 2023 (French) (Judicial review by national courts) None None
29 2016 Nurol v. Libya Nurol İnşaat ve Ticaret A.Ş. v. Libya (ICC Case No. 22042/AYZ) Libya - Turkey BIT (2009) ICC ICC Investment:

Pending Libya Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction

Tertiary: F - Construction
41 - Construction of buildings

42 - Civil engineering
Drymer, S. L. - President

Park, W. W. - Claimant

Boisson de Chazournes, L. - Respondent
52.00 mln EUR (59.20 mln USD) Data not available Data not available Pending Partial Award on Jurisdiction dated 22 November 2018 None Judicial review by national courts Award/decision upheld (Judicial review by national courts) Judgment of the Paris Court of Appeal dated 28 September 2021 (French) (Judicial review by national courts) None None
30 2016 Öztaş Construction v. Libya Öztaş Construction, Construction Materials Trading Inc. v. The State of Libya (ICC Arbitration No. 21603/ZF/AYZ) Libya - Turkey BIT (2009) ICC ICC Investment: Investments in a water supply and transport project along a section of the “great man-made river” pipeline under a contract with the Libyan Investment Development Company (LIDCo).

Summary: Claims arising out of the Libyan Investment Development Company’s alleged non-payment of compensation to the claimant pursuant to a mutual termination of a 2008 contract between the claimant and the Libyan company.
Investments in a water supply and transport project along a section of the “great man-made river” pipeline under a contract with the Libyan Investment Development Company (LIDCo). Decided in favour of State Libya Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 42 - Civil engineering Grierson, J. - President

Ayoğlu, T. - Claimant

Abdel Wahab, M. S. - Respondent
2.90 mln USD Data not available Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Full protection and security, or similar
None - all claims dismissed at the merits stage Final Award dated 14 June 2018 Dissenting Opinion of Tolga Ayoğlu None None None None None
31 2015 Aktau Petrol v. Kazakhstan Aktau Petrol Ticaret A.S. v. Republic of Kazakhstan (ICSID Case No. ARB/15/8) Kazakhstan - Turkey BIT (1992)

The Energy Charter Treaty (1994)
ICSID ICSID Investment: Ownership of enterprise engaged in oil transportation.

Summary: Claims arising out of a series of measures taken by the respondent's courts, which allegedly resulted in the unlawful transfer of claimant's assets to a third party, connected to the government.
Ownership of enterprise engaged in oil transportation. Decided in favour of investor Kazakhstan Türkiye Tertiary: H - Transportation and storage 49 - Land transport and transport via pipelines Binnie, I. - President

Hanotiau, B. - Claimant

Bethlehem, D. - Respondent
150.00 mln USD 22.70 mln USD Data not available Data not available Award dated 13 November 2017 None ICSID annulment proceedings Unknown (ICSID annulment proceedings) Decision on Annulment dated 21 June 2019 (ICSID annulment proceedings) None Donoghue, J. E. - President

Malintoppi, L. - Member

Oda, H. - Member
32 2015 Mağdenli v. Kazakhstan Mağdenli Yer Hizmetleri ve Taşıma Anonim Şirketi v. Kazakhstan Kazakhstan - Turkey BIT (1992) ICC ICC Investment: Shareholding of 50 per cent in “ATMA - Atyrau Airport and Transportation” JSC, a local joint venture company providing services in the aviation sector.

Summary: Claims arising out of the Government’s alleged measures to deprive the claimant of its business in aircraft refueling, cargo handling and helicopter services at the Atyrau airport. The Government allegedly established another airport operator.
Shareholding of 50 per cent in “ATMA - Atyrau Airport and Transportation” JSC, a local joint venture company providing services in the aviation sector. Decided in favour of State Kazakhstan Türkiye Tertiary: H - Transportation and storage 52 - Warehousing and support activities for transportation Sacerdoti, G. - President

Akipek Öcal, Ş. - Claimant

Hertzfeld, J. M. - Respondent
16.00 mln USD Data not available Data not available None - all claims dismissed at the merits stage Award dated 8 November 2018 Dissenting Opinion of Şebnem Akipek Öcal None None None None None
33 2015 Tekfen and TML v. Libya Tekfen-TML Joint Venture, Tekfen İnşaat ve Tesisat A.Ş. and TML İnşaat A.Ş. v. State of Libya (ICC Case No. 21371/MCP/DDA) Libya - Turkey BIT (2009) ICC ICC Investment: Investments in the construction of a large water pipeline network undertaken by the joint venture Tekfen TML JV.

Summary: Claims arising out of the suspension of operations of the claimants’ joint venture Tekfen TML JV related to the Great Man Made River project, in which Tekfen TML JV was involved since 2006 as a contractor of the Libyan Man-Made River Authority, and the evacuation of its work sites owing to civil unrest and to adverse developments in Libya since February 2011.
Investments in the construction of a large water pipeline network undertaken by the joint venture Tekfen TML JV. Decided in favour of State Libya Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 42 - Civil engineering Rowley, J. W. - President

Born, G. B. - Claimant

Kaufmann-Kohler, G. - Respondent
94.10 mln USD Data not available Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Full protection and security, or similar

Umbrella clause

Customary rules of international law

Arbitrary, unreasonable and/or discriminatory measures
None - all claims dismissed at the merits stage Final Award dated 11 February 2020 Dissenting Opinion of Gary B. Born None None None None None
34 2013 Erhas and others v. Turkmenistan Erhas Dis Ticaret Ltd. Sti and others v. Republic of Turkmenistan (PCA Case No. 2013-27) Turkey - Turkmenistan BIT (1992) UNCITRAL PCA Investment:

Summary: Claims arising out of construction-related disputes for works undertaken in Turkmenistan.
Decided in favour of State Turkmenistan Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 42 - Civil engineering Mourre, A. - President

Alexandrov, S. A. - Claimant

Douglas, Z. - Respondent
Data not available Data not available Data not available None - jurisdiction declined Award dated 8 June 2015 Separate Declaration by Stanimir A. Alexandrov None None None None None
35 2013 Federal Elektrik Yatirim and others v. Uzbekistan Federal Elektrik Yatırım ve Ticaret A.Ş. and others v. Republic of Uzbekistan (ICSID Case No. ARB/13/9) Turkey - Uzbekistan BIT (1992)

The Energy Charter Treaty (1994)
ICSID ICSID Investment: Shareholding in a joint venture with the Uzbek company Uzfedgaz to modernize and develop a gas distribution system.

Summary: Claims arising out of the alleged wrongful criminal prosecution, denial of justice and expropriation of claimant's investment by Uzbek authorities on the basis of tax evasion.
Shareholding in a joint venture with the Uzbek company Uzfedgaz to modernize and develop a gas distribution system. Settled Uzbekistan Türkiye Tertiary: D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 35 - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Lévy, L. - President

Paulsson, J. - Claimant (replaced)

Veeder, V. V. - Respondent

Gaillard, E. - Claimant
Data not available Data not available Data not available Not applicable - settled or discontinued before decision on liability Decision on Jurisdiction and Liability dated 29 October 2018

Order taking note of the discontinuance of the proceeding pursuant to ICSID Arbitration Rule 43 dated 18 May 2020
None None None None None None
36 2013 Güneş Tekstil and others v. Uzbekistan Güneş Tekstil Konfeksiyon Sanayi ve Ticaret Limited Şirketi and others v. Republic of Uzbekistan (ICSID Case No. ARB/13/19) Turkey - Uzbekistan BIT (1992) ICSID ICSID Investment: Ownership of the Turkuaz shopping centre in Uzbekistan, and certain other shopping centers operating under the Turkuaz brand name.

Summary: Claims arising out of the alleged seizure of claimants' shopping centres by Uzbek authorities on the basis of tax evasion, allegedly including physical mistreatment and the wrongful conviction of company personnel for various customs, import and taxation offences.
Ownership of the Turkuaz shopping centre in Uzbekistan, and certain other shopping centers operating under the Turkuaz brand name. Decided in favour of investor Uzbekistan Türkiye Tertiary: G - Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles 47 - Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles Schwartz, E. - Claimant

Giovannini, T. - Respondent (replaced)

van Houtte, H. - President

Sands, P. - Respondent
246.00 mln USD 26.00 mln USD Direct expropriation Direct expropriation Award dated 4 October 2019 None ICSID annulment proceedings Discontinued (ICSID annulment proceedings) Order taking note of the discontinuance of the proceeding pursuant to ICSID Arbitration Rule 44 dated 15 April 2022 (ICSID annulment proceedings) None None
37 2013 Karkey Karadeniz v. Pakistan Karkey Karadeniz Elektrik Uretim A.S. v. Islamic Republic of Pakistan (ICSID Case No. ARB/13/1) Pakistan - Turkey BIT (1995) ICSID ICSID Investment: Rights under a contract concluded with a State-owned electricity company to provide four power-generating vessels to the port of Karachi.

Summary: Claims arising out of the alleged unlawful detention by the Government of four electricity-generating vessels owned by the claimant, as well as alleged breaches of contractual payment obligations for electricity generated.
Rights under a contract concluded with a State-owned electricity company to provide four power-generating vessels to the port of Karachi. Decided in favour of investor Pakistan Türkiye Tertiary: D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 35 - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Derains, Y. - President

Grigera Naón, H. A. - Claimant

Edward, D. A. O. - Respondent
2000.00 mln USD 490.40 mln USD Direct expropriation

Transfer of funds
Direct expropriation

Transfer of funds
Decision on the Respondent’s request to address the objections to jurisdiction as a preliminary question dated 13 May 2014

Award dated 22 August 2017
None ICSID annulment proceedings Discontinued (ICSID annulment proceedings) Order taking note of the discontinuance of the proceeding pursuant to ICSID Arbitration Rule 43(1) dated 9 January 2020 (ICSID annulment proceedings) None Böckstiegel, K.-H. - President

Bull, C. - Member

Ufot, D. U. - Member
38 2013 Serter v. France Erbil Serter v. French Republic (ICSID Case No. ARB/13/22) France - Turkey BIT (2006) ICSID ICSID Investment: Intellectual property rights concerning the design of advanced hull forms.

Summary: Claims arising out of disagreements over certain ship hull design related to Mr. Serter's experience, as ship designer and architect, in research, development and design of advanced hull forms.
Intellectual property rights concerning the design of advanced hull forms. Discontinued France Türkiye Tertiary: H - Transportation and storage

Tertiary: M - Professional, scientific and technical activities
50 - Water transport

71 - Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing and analysis
Gharavi, H. G. - Claimant

Clay, T. - Respondent

Name not available - President
Data not available Data not available Data not available Not applicable - settled or discontinued before decision on liability Order taking note of the discontinuance of the proceeding pursuant to ICSID Arbitration Rule 45 dated 2 March 2018 None None None None None None
39 2012 Çap and Sehil v. Turkmenistan Muhammet Çap & Sehil Inşaat Endustri ve Ticaret Ltd. Sti. v. Turkmenistan (ICSID Case No. ARB/12/6) Turkey - Turkmenistan BIT (1992) ICSID ICSID Investment: Rights under numerous contracts entered into with Turkmenistan concerning building projects.

Summary: Claims arising out of a series of governmental measures that allegedly led to the unlawful expropriation of claimants' construction projects in Turkmenistan, including defaulted payments and the termination of some of the contracts at issue before domestic courts.
Rights under numerous contracts entered into with Turkmenistan concerning building projects. Decided in favour of State Turkmenistan Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 41 - Construction of buildings Lew, J. D. M. - President

Hanotiau, B. - Claimant

Boisson de Chazournes, L. - Respondent
413.00 mln USD Data not available Indirect expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Full protection and security, or similar

Umbrella clause

Arbitrary, unreasonable and/or discriminatory measures
None - all claims dismissed at the merits stage Decision on Respondent's Objection to Jurisdiction under Article VII(2) dated 13 February 2015

Award dated 4 May 2021
None None None None None None
40 2011 TPAO v. Kazakhstan Türkiye Petrolleri Anonim Ortaklığı v. Republic of Kazakhstan (ICSID Case No. ARB/11/2) Kazakhstan - Turkey BIT (1992)

The Energy Charter Treaty (1994)
ICSID ICSID Investment: Shareholding in the joint venture KazakhTurkMunai with Kazakh state entity KazMunaiGas that held oil exploration and production licenses.

Summary: Claims arising out of Government's measures allegedly affecting claimant's investment in an oil exploration and production joint venture which held exploration and production activities in seven oil fields in the Mangistau and Aktobe regions in Kazakhstan.
Shareholding in the joint venture KazakhTurkMunai with Kazakh state entity KazMunaiGas that held oil exploration and production licenses. Settled Kazakhstan Türkiye Primary: B - Mining and quarrying 6 - Extraction of crude petroleum and natural gas McRae, D. M. - President

Brower, C. N. - Claimant

Stern, B. - Respondent
Data not available Data not available Data not available Not applicable - settled or discontinued before decision on liability Award embodying the parties' settlement agreement dated 18 August 2014 None None None None None None
41 2010 Bozbey v. Turkmenistan Bozbey Insaat Sanayi ve Ticaret and Omer Faruk Bozbey v. Turkmenistan Turkey - Turkmenistan BIT (1992) UNCITRAL Data not available Investment: Construction and operation of an agro-industrial complex in Turkmenistan under a contract concluded with the Turkmen President’s Foundation.

Summary: Claims arising out of the initiation of criminal proceedings against the investor, the imposition of taxes and fines by Turkmen tax authorities upon his agro-industrial facility despite allegedly receiving a 21-year tax exemption under a special presidential decree, and the subsequent confiscation of claimant's property.
Construction and operation of an agro-industrial complex in Turkmenistan under a contract concluded with the Turkmen President’s Foundation. Discontinued Turkmenistan Türkiye Primary: A - Agriculture, forestry and fishing 1 - Crop and animal production, hunting and related service activities Griffith, G. - President

Hertzfeld, J. M. - Claimant

Fordham, J. - Respondent
60.00 mln USD Data not available Indirect expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Arbitrary, unreasonable and/or discriminatory measures

Not applicable - settled or discontinued before decision on liability Data not available Data not available None None None None None
42 2010 Dede v. Romania Ömer Dede and Serdar Elhüseyni v. Romania (ICSID Case No. ARB/10/22) Romania - Turkey BIT (1991) ICSID ICSID Investment: Majority shareholding in SC IMUM SA, an agricultural machinery and equipment enterprise, through a share purchase agreement concluded with a Romanian agency; financial contributions into said company; payment of penalties as a precondition to acquiring shares in that company.

Summary: Claims arising out of the decision by Romania's privatisation agency AVAS to take possession of claimant's shares in an agricultural machinery manufacturer in the south-eastern city of Medgidia.
Majority shareholding in SC IMUM SA, an agricultural machinery and equipment enterprise, through a share purchase agreement concluded with a Romanian agency; financial contributions into said company; payment of penalties as a precondition to acquiring shares in that company. Decided in favour of State Romania Türkiye Secondary: C - Manufacturing 28 - Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c. Park, W. W. - President

Herzog, N. - Claimant

Stern, B. - Respondent
2.00 mln EUR (2.60 mln USD) Data not available Indirect expropriation None - jurisdiction declined Award dated 5 September 2013 None None None None None None
43 2010 İçkale v. Turkmenistan İçkale İnşaat Limited Şirketi v. Turkmenistan (ICSID Case No. ARB/10/24) Turkey - Turkmenistan BIT (1992) ICSID ICSID Investment: Rights under thirteen contracts for the construction of schools, hotels, cinemas and other facilities.

Summary: Claims arising out of the Government's alleged interference with the execution of the claimant's work under construction contracts concluded with various State organs and State entities, including the blocking of bank accounts, the termination of contracts and the initiation of judicial proceedings.
Rights under thirteen contracts for the construction of schools, hotels, cinemas and other facilities. Decided in favour of State Turkmenistan Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 42 - Civil engineering Heiskanen, V. - President

Lamm, C. B. - Claimant

Sands, P. - Respondent

Nariman, F. S. - Respondent (replaced)
566.70 mln USD Data not available Indirect expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Full protection and security, or similar

Umbrella clause

Arbitrary, unreasonable and/or discriminatory measures
None - all claims dismissed at the merits stage Award dated 8 March 2016

Decision on Claimant's Request for Supplementary Decision and Rectification of the Award dated 4 October 2016
Partially Dissenting Opinion of Philippe Sands

Partially Dissenting Opinion of Carolyn B. Lamm
None None None None None
44 2010 Kılıç v. Turkmenistan Kılıç İnşaat İthalat İhracat Sanayi ve Ticaret Anonim Şirketi v. Turkmenistan (ICSID Case No. ARB/10/1) Turkey - Turkmenistan BIT (1992) ICSID ICSID Investment: Rights under a number of building contracts in connection with projects in the Turkmen cities of Mary, Dashoguz and Ashgabat between Kiliç and various municipal governors, and other state officials.

Summary: Claims arising out of disagreements over the parties' respective performance under several construction contracts, including the alleged failure to pay certain amounts owed under various construction projects that the investor had designed and built.
Rights under a number of building contracts in connection with projects in the Turkmen cities of Mary, Dashoguz and Ashgabat between Kiliç and various municipal governors, and other state officials. Decided in favour of State Turkmenistan Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 41 - Construction of buildings Rowley, J. W. - President

Gaillard, E. - President (replaced)

Park, W. W. - Claimant

Sands, P. - Respondent
300.00 mln USD Data not available Data not available None - jurisdiction declined Award dated 2 July 2013

Decision on Article VII.2 of the Turkey-Turkmenistan Bilateral Investment Treaty dated 7 May 2012
Separate Opinion of Professor William W. Park (Award) ICSID annulment proceedings Award/decision upheld (ICSID annulment proceedings) Decision on Annulment dated 14 July 2015 (ICSID annulment proceedings) None Rigo Sureda, A. - President

Böckstiegel, K.-H. - Member

Shin, H.-T. - Member
45 2008 ATA Construction v. Jordan ATA Construction, Industrial and Trading Company v. Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan (ICSID Case No. ARB/08/2) Jordan - Turkey BIT (1993) ICSID ICSID Investment: Contract concluded between ATA Construction and a State-controlled entity to construct a dike at a site on the Dead Sea; claims to money in the form of an award rendered in claimant's favour.

Summary: Claims arising out of the annulment by the Jordanian courts of an arbitral award rendered in favour of the claimant following a dispute arising from the collapse of a dike constructed by ATA for the Arab Potash Company, an entity based in Jordan and controlled by the respondent.
Contract concluded between ATA Construction and a State-controlled entity to construct a dike at a site on the Dead Sea; claims to money in the form of an award rendered in claimant's favour. Decided in favour of investor Jordan Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 42 - Civil engineering Fortier, L. Y. - President

El-Kosheri, A. S. - Claimant

Reisman, W. M. - Respondent
5.90 mln USD Non-pecuniary relief Indirect expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Most-favoured nation treatment
Most-favoured nation treatment Award dated 18 May 2010 None ICSID annulment proceedings Discontinued (ICSID annulment proceedings) Order taking note of the discontinuance of the proceeding issued by the ad hoc Committee dated 11 July 2011, pursuant to ICSID Arbitration Rule 44 (ICSID annulment proceedings) None Guillaume, G. - President

Fernández-Armesto, J. - Member

Hanotiau, B. - Member
46 2008 Karmer Marble v. Georgia Karmer Marble Tourism Construction Industry and Commerce Limited Liability Company v. Georgia (ICSID Case No. ARB/08/19) Georgia - Turkey BIT (1992) ICSID ICSID Investment: Rights under a highway construction contract concluded with the Georgian Government.

Summary: Claims arising out of the alleged termination of Karmer Marble's contract to build a highway linking the cities of Batumi and Kobuleti in the Georgian region of Adjara and its replacement by a local company, in the context of Georgia's Rose Revolution.
Rights under a highway construction contract concluded with the Georgian Government. Decided in favour of investor Georgia Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 42 - Civil engineering Lalonde, M. - President

Orrego Vicuña, F. - Claimant

Schwartz, E. - Respondent
Data not available Data not available Data not available Data not available Award dated 9 August 2012 None ICSID annulment proceedings Discontinued (ICSID annulment proceedings) Order taking note of the discontinuance of the annulment proceeding issued by the Secretary-General dated 10 January 2013, pursuant to ICSID Arbitration Rule 44 (ICSID annulment proceedings) None None
47 2008 Turkcell v. Iran Turkcell İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. v. The Islamic Republic of Iran Iran, Islamic Republic of - Turkey BIT (1996) UNCITRAL PCA Investment: Majority shareholding in the Irancell consortium through an Iranian special purpose vehicle announced as the winner for the second global system for mobile communication (GSM) license to be awarded in Iran, and contractual rights under such license agreement.

Summary: Claims arising out of Turkcell's participation in a tender process concerning a private GSM license in Iran and a change in Iranian's legislation preventing Turkcell to operate the project it had tendered for by requiring that the GSM license had to be run by a company which was majority owned by a domestic Iranian company, and Iran's subsequent assignment of the project to another operator.
Majority shareholding in the Irancell consortium through an Iranian special purpose vehicle announced as the winner for the second global system for mobile communication (GSM) license to be awarded in Iran, and contractual rights under such license agreement. Decided in favour of State Iran, Islamic Republic of Türkiye Tertiary: J - Information and communication 61 - Telecommunications Kaplan, N. - President

Brower, C. N. - Claimant

Abedian, H. - Respondent
600.00 mln USD Data not available Indirect expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Full protection and security, or similar

Most-favoured nation treatment
None - jurisdiction declined Award dated 15 October 2014 Dissent of Charles N. Brower on particular issues (Award) None None None None None
48 2006 Barmek v. Azerbaijan Barmek Holding A.S. v. Republic of Azerbaijan (ICSID Case No. ARB/06/16) The Energy Charter Treaty (1994) ICSID ICSID Investment: Rights under a privatisation agreement relating to a long-term electricity distribution contract.

Summary: Claims arising out of the alleged breach of a contract concluded between the Government of Azerbaijan and the investor to provide electricity services in the cities of Baku and Sumgayit for 25 years, which in turn led to criminal accusations against Barmek's managers for embezzlement, “abuse of office” and the illegal sale of electricity.
Rights under a privatisation agreement relating to a long-term electricity distribution contract. Settled Azerbaijan Türkiye Tertiary: D - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply 35 - Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply Lowe, V. - President

Galbraith, P. W. - Claimant

Stern, B. - Respondent
460.00 mln USD Data not available Indirect expropriation Other Award embodying the parties' settlement agreement dated 28 September 2009 None None None None None None
49 2006 Sistem v. Kyrgyzstan Sistem Mühendislik Inşaat Sanayi ve Ticaret A.Ş. v. Kyrgyz Republic (ICSID Case No. ARB(AF)/06/1) Kyrgyzstan - Turkey BIT (1992) ICSID AF ICSID Investment: Ownership of a hotel in Kyrgyzstan.

Summary: Claims arising out of events following the investor's construction and operation of a hotel in Bishkek leading to the abrogation of its ownership rights in the hotel by local court decisions, after the overthrow of president Askar Akayev and his government during the Tulip Revolution of 2005.
Ownership of a hotel in Kyrgyzstan. Decided in favour of investor Kyrgyzstan Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction

Tertiary: I - Accommodation and food service activities
41 - Construction of buildings

55 - Accommodation
Lowe, V. - President

Patocchi, P. M. - Claimant

Elabary, N. - Respondent
24.70 mln USD 8.50 mln USD Indirect expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Full protection and security, or similar

National treatment
Indirect expropriation Decision on Jurisdiction dated 13 September 2007

Award dated 9 September 2009
None Judicial review by national courts Award/decision upheld (Judicial review by national courts) Ontario Supreme Court Enforcement Decision dated 25 July 2012 (Judicial review by national courts) None None
50 2005 Rumeli v. Kazakhstan Rumeli Telekom A.S. and Telsim Mobil Telekomunikasyon Hizmetleri A.S. v. Republic of Kazakhstan (ICSID Case No. ARB/05/16) Kazakhstan - Turkey BIT (1992) ICSID ICSID Investment: Shareholding in a local Kazakh telecoms company that had been awarded a license to operate the second mobile telephone network in Kazakhstan; know-how and marketing services in the field of telecommunications; guarantors of loans made by the locally-incorporated investment company.

Summary: Claims arising out of the government's termination of an investment contract for the creation and exploration of digital cellular radiotelephone connection on Kazakhstan.
Shareholding in a local Kazakh telecoms company that had been awarded a license to operate the second mobile telephone network in Kazakhstan; know-how and marketing services in the field of telecommunications; guarantors of loans made by the locally-incorporated investment company. Decided in favour of investor Kazakhstan Türkiye Tertiary: J - Information and communication 61 - Telecommunications Hanotiau, B. - President

Lalonde, M. - Claimant

Boyd, S. - Respondent
458.00 mln USD 125.00 mln USD Indirect expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

Full protection and security, or similar

Arbitrary, unreasonable and/or discriminatory measures
Indirect expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims
Award dated 29 July 2008 None ICSID annulment proceedings Award/decision upheld (ICSID annulment proceedings) Decision of the ad hoc Committee dated 25 March 2010 (ICSID annulment proceedings) None Schwebel, S. M. - President

McLachlan, C. A. - Member

Silva Romero, E. - Member
51 2003 Bayindir v. Pakistan (I) Bayindir Insaat Turizm Ticaret Ve Sanayi A.S. v. Islamic Republic of Pakistan (I) (ICSID Case No. ARB/03/29) Pakistan - Turkey BIT (1995) ICSID ICSID Investment: Highway construction contract to build a six-lane motorway entered into with an agency of the Pakistani government.

Summary: Claims arising out of the implementation of a construction contract concluded between the National Highway Authority of Pakistan and the investors.
Highway construction contract to build a six-lane motorway entered into with an agency of the Pakistani government. Decided in favour of State Pakistan Türkiye Tertiary: F - Construction 42 - Civil engineering Kaufmann-Kohler, G. - President

Böckstiegel, K.-H. - Claimant

Berman, F. - Respondent
416.00 mln USD Data not available Indirect expropriation

Fair and equitable treatment/Minimum standard of treatment, including denial of justice claims

National treatment

Most-favoured nation treatment
None - all claims dismissed at the merits stage Decision on Jurisdiction dated 14 November 2005

Award dated 27 August 2009
None None None None None None