NO. | Year of initiation | Short case name | Summary | Outcome of original proceedings | Respondent State | Home State of investor |
1 | 2022 | Halevi v. Czechia |
Investment: Shareholding in a land development project in Prague-Ďáblice. Summary: Claims arising out of a court ruling which allegedly resulted in the expropriation of land plots intended for a development project in which the claimant had invested. |
Pending | Czechia | Israel |
2 | 2020 | JCDecaux v. Czechia |
Investment: Indirect shareholding of 70 per cent in local advertising enterprise RENCAR, via Austrian group company Gewista. Summary: Claims arising out of the termination by a publicly owned company, Transport Enterprises of the City of Prague (Dopravní podnik hl. m. Prahy), of a rental agreement for advertising spaces with RENCAR. |
Pending | Czechia | France |
3 | 2018 | Alcor v. Czechia |
Investment: Shareholding (99 per cent) in Alcor Holdings CZ s.r.o., with investments in several land plots located in the City of Prague. Summary: Claims arising out of the alleged refusal of the City of Prague to conclude a lease agreement with the claimant’s former Czech subsidiary, Alcor CZ. |
Decided in favour of State | Czechia | United Arab Emirates |
4 | 2018 | Fischer v. Czechia (I) |
Investment: Investment in Cestovní kancelář Fischer, a.s. (CK Fischer), a locally-incorporated travel agency. Summary: Claims arising out of the Government’s measures related to the alleged crowding out of the claimant’s investment in the CK Fischer travel agency. |
Discontinued | Czechia | Germany |
5 | 2018 | Fischer v. Czechia (II) |
Investment: Summary: Claims arising out of the Government’s measures related to the allegedly unlawful bankruptcy proceedings initiated against the claimant’s investment. |
Discontinued | Czechia | Germany |
6 | 2017 | Diag and Šťáva v. Czechia |
Investment: Summary: |
Decided in favour of investor | Czechia | Switzerland |
7 | 2017 | Fynerdale v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Loans to Czech company YTRIX a.s. and Maltese company Poppyseed Limited, to be used for trade in poppy seeds produced in the Czech Republic. Summary: Claims arising out of the Government’s alleged failure to act on the claimant’s criminal complaint regarding its business partners’ fraudulent activities, which allegedly entailed the loss of the claimant’s assets. |
Decided in favour of State | Czechia | Netherlands |
8 | 2017 | Pawlowski and Projekt Sever v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Ownership of land acquired for real estate development in Benice, a district in the southeast of Prague. Summary: Claims arising out of the Government’s alleged frustration of the claimants’ real estate development project through legal proceedings related to a land use plan which had permitted construction on the claimants’ land. |
Decided in favour of neither party (liability found but no damages awarded) | Czechia | Switzerland |
9 | 2016 | A.M.F. Aircraftleasing v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Ownership of two aircrafts and related leasing activities. Summary: Claims arising out of acts of Czech bankruptcy administrators and courts concerning two aircrafts that are allegedly owned by the claimant and were wrongly included in the bankruptcy proceedings of Czech company Air Charter Ltd, which had leased the planes. The aircrafts were subsequently sold as part of the bankruptcy proceedings. |
Decided in favour of State | Czechia | Germany |
10 | 2015 | Anglia v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Contractual claim to damages confirmed by an arbitral award related to a joint venture with the local Czech company Kyjovan for the manufacturing of automobile accessories. Summary: Claims arising out of alleged delays on the part of Czech courts related to the enforcement of a CZK 4.8 million arbitration award, which the claimant obtained against its local business partner Kyjovan in 1997. According to the claimant, the courts’ conduct deprived the claimant of the value of the arbitral award. |
Decided in favour of State | Czechia | United Kingdom |
11 | 2015 | Busta v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Sole shareholding in a locally incorporated company, Sprint CR, engaged in the wholesale of automobile parts and accessories. Summary: Claims arising out of alleged inaction of the local police related to accusations of theft raised by the claimants against the local Czech partner in a joint venture, Kyjovan, when Kyjovan began moving goods owned by one of the claimants’ companies (Sprint CR) out of a warehouse. |
Decided in favour of State | Czechia | United Kingdom |
12 | 2015 | WCV and Channel Crossings v. Czechia |
Investment: Ownership of SYNOT, a betting company. Summary: Claims arising out of the government’s alleged cancellation of the licenses to operate video lottery terminals held by a betting company (SYNOT) owned by the claimants. |
Decided in favour of State | Czechia | Cyprus |
13 | 2014 | A11Y v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Company engaged in the supply of high quality compensation aids to blind and visually impaired people. Summary: Claims arising out of allegedly discriminatory State actions against claimant's business of providing electronic aids for visually handicapped, including the disclosure of know-how to A11Y's competitors and damage to its goodwill, in the context of government allowances to blind and visually handicapped people for special compensation aids. |
Decided in favour of State | Czechia | United Kingdom |
14 | 2014 | Anglia and Busta v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Interests in a rooftop carrier production facility in Moravia. Summary: Claims arising out of a series of alleged measures by the Government in the context of a dispute between the claimants and their local Czech partner in a joint venture engaged in the production of vehicle roof-racks. |
Discontinued | Czechia | United Kingdom |
15 | 2014 | Forminster v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Summary: Claims arising out of measures imposed by the Czech Republic on the claimant’s investment. |
Discontinued | Czechia | Cyprus |
16 | 2014 | WNC v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Ownership of Czech company ČEX, a.s. (later known as FITE Export, a.s.). Summary: Claims arising out of the Government’s alleged failures during the privatization of Škoda Export following a public tender, which was won by the claimant’s Czech company ČEX, and subsequent actions allegedly resulting in Škoda Export’s insolvency. |
Decided in favour of State | Czechia | United Kingdom |
17 | 2013 | Antaris and Göde v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Equity interests in several Czech energy companies engaged in the photovoltaic sector. Summary: Claims arising out of amendments to the pre-existing incentive regime applicable to renewable energy, including the introduction of a levy on electricity generated ("Solar Levy"), allegedly adopted in order to diminish windfall profit to producers (that became possible due to significant fall in costs of solar panels) and reduce burden on energy consumers. |
Decided in favour of State | Czechia | Germany |
18 | 2013 | Europa Nova v. Czechia |
Investment: Majority shareholding (90 per cent) in Czech company SolarOne s.r.o., which owned two special purpose vehicles with solar plants (the Tomsan and Sluneční projects). Summary: Claims arising out of amendments to the pre-existing incentive regime for the renewable energy sector, including the introduction of a levy on electricity generated from solar power plants. |
Decided in favour of State | Czechia | Cyprus |
19 | 2013 | I.C.W. v. Czechia |
Investment: Sole shareholding in a Czech special purpose vehicle, Hutira FVE-Omice a.s., which owned and operated a solar plant in South Moravia. Summary: Claims arising out of amendments to the pre-existing incentive regime for the renewable energy sector, including the introduction of a levy on electricity generated from solar power plants. |
Decided in favour of State | Czechia | United Kingdom |
20 | 2013 | JSW Solar and Wirtgen v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Interests in the Czech photovoltaic sector. Summary: Claims arising out of amendments to the pre-existing incentive regime for the renewable energy sector, including the introduction of a levy on electricity generated from solar power plants. |
Decided in favour of State | Czechia | Germany |
21 | 2013 | Natland and others v. Czechia |
Investment: Interests in the Czech photovoltaic sector. Summary: Claims arising out of amendments to the pre-existing incentive regime for the renewable energy sector, including the introduction of a levy on electricity generated from solar power plants. |
Decided in favour of investor | Czechia |
Cyprus Luxembourg Netherlands |
22 | 2013 | Photovoltaik Knopf v. The Czech Republic |
Investment: Sole shareholding in a Czech special purpose vehicle, FVE Kněžmost s.r.o., which owned and operated a solar plant in Kněžmost-Koprník. Summary: Claims arising out of amendments to the pre-existing incentive regime for the renewable energy sector, including the introduction of a levy on electricity generated from solar power plants. |
Decided in favour of State | Czechia | Germany |
23 | 2013 | Voltaic Network v. Czechia |
Investment: Sole shareholding in a Czech special purpose vehicle, Solarpark Rybníček s.r.o., which owned and operated a solar plant near Rybníček. Summary: Claims arising out of amendments to the pre-existing incentive regime for the renewable energy sector, including the introduction of a levy on electricity generated from solar power plants. |
Decided in favour of State | Czechia | Germany |
24 | 2009 | ECE v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Rights under a planned approval for the construction of a shopping centre in the Czech Republic. Summary: Claims arising out of the Government's revocation of a planned approval to the claimant for the construction of a shopping centre in Liberec, at the northwest of the Czech Republic. |
Decided in favour of State | Czechia | Germany |
25 | 2009 | Vöcklinghaus v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Shareholding of 50 per cent in the company KOMFORT V.P. Cihelny, spol. s r.o., engaged in the construction of a professional golf course in the Czech Republic. Summary: Claims arising out of the alleged forced bankruptcy and takeover of claimant's investment in the Cihelna golf course in the Northwest of the Czech Republic. |
Decided in favour of State | Czechia | Germany |
26 | 2008 | Czechoslonor v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Ownership of a salmon-processing plant in the Czech Republic. Summary: Claims arising out of the alleged Government's withdrawal of a bank loan agreement concluded with the investor which led to the declaration of bankruptcy of its company, and the alleged numerous irregular motions by Czech officials during the bankruptcy proceedings. |
Data not available | Czechia | Norway |
27 | 2008 | InterTrade v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Shareholding in the Czech forestry company CE Wood. Summary: Claims arising out of the Government's alleged misconduct concerning a failed 2005 tender for the privatization of the State's forests. |
Decided in favour of State | Czechia | Germany |
28 | 2008 | Nepolsky v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Rights to land, acquired to extract and sell mineral water; associated water extraction rights granted by local authorities. Summary: Claims arising out of alleged undue delay to which Mr. Nepolsky's bid for a water extraction license was subjected, and alleged discrimination in favour of two other investors interested in extracting underground water in the same Czech area. |
Discontinued | Czechia | Germany |
29 | 2008 | Oeconomicus v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Rights under a loan agreement for the construction of a waste incineration plant in Mlada Boleslav. Summary: Claims arising out of alleged refusals to honour guarantees made by the Environment Ministry to claimant's investment, including the firm's declaration of bankruptcy and the failure to build a waste incinerator at issue. |
Discontinued | Czechia | Switzerland |
30 | 2007 | Frontier v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Capital contributions to finance the purchase of assets of a bankrupt State-owned Czech aircraft manufacturing company under certain unanimous shareholder agreement; claims to money in the form of an arbitral award in Frontier's favour. Summary: Claims arising out of the alleged wrongful failure of Czech courts to recognise and enforce an interim and final award in claimant's favour, relating to alleged breaches of a shareholder agreement concluded with a Czech company for a joint venture project in the aviation manufacturing industry in the Czech Republic. |
Decided in favour of State | Czechia | Canada |
31 | 2007 | Invesmart v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Majority shareholding in Union Banka, a bank established under the laws of the Czech Republic. Summary: Claims arising out of the alleged withdrawal by the Czech Republic of previous commitments to provide State support to the foreign-owned bank. |
Decided in favour of State | Czechia | Netherlands |
32 | 2006 | Phoenix Action v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Ownership of two Czech companies, Benet Praha, spol. s.r.o. and Benet Group, a.s., involved in the trading of ferroalloys. Summary: Claims arising out of the alleged continuous freezing of funds in a number of bank accounts belonging to claimant's companies, the seizure of accounting and business documents, as well as Czech courts’ delays in the different actions brought by the investor's companies. |
Decided in favour of State | Czechia | Israel |
33 | 2005 | Binder v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Ownership of a company, Cargo Transport-Internationale Spedition, which helped to facilitate cross-border trade. Summary: Claims arising out of the Czech customs authorities' decision to order claimant's company the forced payment of customs debts of another company for which the investor was acting as a guarantor and by which it had been defrauded, allegedly causing bankruptcy of the investment. |
Decided in favour of State | Czechia | Germany |
34 | 2005 | EMV v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Interests in the Czech television broadcasting company TV3. Summary: Claims arising out of the alleged refusal by broadcasting regulators in the Czech Republic to approve the transfer of a television broadcast licence from a Czech businessman to the foreign investor's Czech subsidiary. |
Decided in favour of State | Czechia | Luxembourg |
35 | 2005 | K+ VP v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Ownership of local subsidiary that had contracted with the Czech Ministry of Local Development for investment in local businesses. Summary: Claims arising out of the termination of a contract concluded between the Dutch firm's Czech subsidiary and Czech authorities despite allegedly achieving the agreed results, and involving unpaid contractual premium for administration of certain public funds. |
Settled | Czechia | Netherlands |
36 | 2005 | Mittal v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Production and distribution of basic metals, including steel and iron. Summary: Claims arising out of the respondent's alleged discriminatory treatment to the investor in connection with the privatization of the local steel enterprise Vitkovice Steel; particularly, the exclusion of the claimant from bidding on Vitkovice. |
Settled | Czechia | Netherlands |
37 | 2005 | Pren Nreka v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Lease agreement concluded between the claimant and the Pedagogical Centre of Prague, an educational entity created by the Czech government, to renovate certain portions of a building and to lease two floors of that building for commercial activities. Summary: Claims arising out of the invalidation by respondent’s courts of a 15-year lease agreement concluded between the claimant and the Pedagogical Centre of Prague, resulting in the forced vacation of the investor's leased floors used as a pizzeria restaurant. |
Decided in favour of investor | Czechia | Croatia |
38 | 2004 | Eastern Sugar v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Interests in local sugar producing facilities. Summary: Claims arising out of various regulatory sugar regimes put in place by the respondent from 2000 onwards; particularly, the Czech Republic’s allocation of sugar quotas based on the European Union’s agricultural quota system that allegedly affected the claimant's investments. |
Decided in favour of investor | Czechia | Netherlands |
39 | 2002 | Nagel v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Rights under a cooperation agreement entered into with a State-owned enterprise. Summary: Claims arising out of the respondent's failure to grant a public tender for mobile phone contracts to the investor, despite the signature of a cooperation agreement with a State telecommunications company wholly owned by the respondent under which the parties would seek to obtain, through a consortium, the necessary licenses and permits to establish, own and operate a GSM mobile telephone network in the Czech Republic. |
Decided in favour of State | Czechia | United Kingdom |
40 | 2001 | Saluka v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Ownership of a controlling block of shares from the Czech state-owned bank IPB. Summary: Claims arising out of the imposition of a forced administration upon the investor's banking enterprise by the Czech National Bank. |
Settled | Czechia | Netherlands |
41 | 2000 | CME v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Ownership interest in broadcasting company holding an exclusive broadcasting license; assets including tangible (buildings, studio equipment) and intangible (intellectual property rights) property. Summary: Claims arising out of actions and omissions attributed to the Media Council, an organ of the Czech Republic that allegedly commercially destroyed the broadcasting station operator which was partly owned by the investor. |
Decided in favour of investor | Czechia | Netherlands |
42 | 1999 | Lauder v. Czech Republic |
Investment: Shareholding in local broadcasting enterprise. Summary: Claims arising out of the conduct of the Czech Media Council towards the broadcasting enterprise partly owned by the foreign investor. |
Decided in favour of neither party (liability found but no damages awarded) | Czechia | United States of America |
NO. | Year of initiation | Short case name | Summary | Outcome of original proceedings | Respondent State | Home State of investor |
1 | 2020 | Fin.Doc and others v. Romania |
Investment: Investments in photovoltaic power plants in Romania. Summary: Claims arising out of certain changes to Romania’s incentive scheme for investments in the renewable energy sector. |
Pending | Romania |
Cyprus Czechia Germany Greece Italy Luxembourg Türkiye |
2 | 2018 | Festorino and others v. Poland |
Investment: Ownership (100%) of Blue Gas N’R’G Holding sp. z o.o., holding four Blue Gas subsidiaries to develop six natural gas mining projects with power plants (Uników, Wrzosowo, Stanowice, Międzyzdroje, Zakrzewo and Lelików). Summary: Claims arising out of Government authorities’ alleged arbitrary and discriminatory conduct in administrative proceedings to grant licenses for the claimants’ gas exploration and mining projects. According to the claimants, Government authorities caused unjustified delays that resulted in the bankruptcy and shutdown of Blue Gas subsidiaries. |
Decided in favour of State | Poland |
Austria Cyprus Czechia Switzerland |
3 | 2017 | Slot v. Poland |
Investment: Investments in the gambling industry. Summary: Claims arising out of Poland’s Gambling Law of 2009, which entered into force in January 2010 and restricted the operation of slot machines outside of casinos. |
Decided in favour of investor | Poland | Czechia |
4 | 2016 | ČEZ v. Bulgaria |
Investment: Summary: |
Pending | Bulgaria | Czechia |
5 | 2015 | ENERGO-PRO v. Bulgaria |
Investment: Ownership of a number of hydroelectric plants, distribution and supply companies and a locally registered electricity trader in Bulgaria. Summary: Claims arising out of regulatory reforms in relation to the pricing of electricity and changes to the State-sponsored compensation regime for renewable energy. |
Decided in favour of State | Bulgaria | Czechia |
6 | 2013 | ČEZ v. Albania |
Investment: Majority shareholding (76 per cent) in the Albanian power distribution company CEZ Shpërndarje. Summary: Claims arising out of the Albanian regulator's decision of 21 January 2013 to revoke the license of CEZ Shpĕrndrje, a power distribution company in which the claimant had invested, after a tariff-related dispute. |
Settled | Albania | Czechia |
7 | 1997 | CSOB. v. Slovakia |
Investment: Rights under certain consolidation agreement concluded among the Czech Republic, Slovakia and ČSOB concerning the claimant's financial restructuring. Summary: Claims arising out of the alleged breach of a financial consolidation agreement concluded among the Czech Republic, the Slovak Republic and ČSOB in relation to the bank’s financial restructuring in advance of its then planned privatization |
Decided in favour of investor | Slovakia | Czechia |